Road to Friendship 4

Arriving at a well-secured neighbourhood, Haneul eyes every houses there are, admiring the view. He remembers his old house being as beautiful as the least pretty one here, finding himself no longer able to recall where they stayed at when his family was complete. Stopping at a slightly small, yet classy house, Haneul turns to look at the alpha who is turning off the engine. Sangcheol left the music on but made sure he had the keys with him as he makes his way out.

Noticing the stare from the omega, he smiles awkwardly. "My cousin's. Don't wanna lose it." He tries to defend himself, thinking the other is accusing him of not trusting him. Haneul observes the other opening the boot of the car from the rear-view mirror, keeping his sight locked on the alpha as the man walks towards the house.

He is curious of the interior, having never been to someone's house in a very long time. Hotels are something else, houses should look more welcoming. Getting out of the car, Haneul invites himself in, admiring the slightly messy interior yet charming in its own way. A very warm, and welcoming view indeed.

"Your house?" He asks as he sees the alpha returning towards the living room from somewhere he figures is the kitchen. Sangcheol is obviously surprised by his presence but does not care enough to ask him to leave. Helping himself on the soft-looking sofa, Haneul leans against it, sighing his relief. "My cousin's. The owner of the car."

He nods at the answer, already cozy on the couch. This feeling too, is nostalgic. Sure, the therapist office has sofas but not this comfortable enough as they would not want their patients to fall asleep. The ones at the shelter are the same, soft enough that people won't feel pain but not as soft. The hotels? Same concept. It had been a while since he feels like he will want to fall asleep on a couch like this. "I don't mind sleeping here."

"Err…" Haneul finally opens his eyes to look at the alpha. Sangcheol is trying to avoid his gaze, his face almost blushing. Obviously, the other has been staring at him for a while, and he can guess what the man is thinking. Haneul is, after all, dressed to impress tonight. Catching the eyes of alphas is the exact intention of his not-so-comfortable outfit in the first place.

Smirking at the thought, he decides to give it a try. He didn't get an alpha tonight, and he is in the mood now that one really good-looking man is standing in front of him, in a really pretty house, on a really comfortable couch. It is just the two of them in the whole house as well. He would do it on the couch, or they can go and try the bedroom, he bet that will be as amazing. Heck, they can even do it on the kitchen counter or even inside the car. Haneul will never do that with other alphas but he might do it with Sangcheol. He doesn't know whether the alpha planned this but if he did, he played his cards right. Haneul is turned on.

"Don't think that's a good idea. It's not my house…" Haneul rolls his eyes as his effort again, seems to be ignored. Sangcheol is not even facing him to notice his posture nor is he responding to his inviting pheromones. Maybe his tactics are too advanced for this simple-minded being. Maybe he needs to step it down a notch and make it a bit obvious. "It's just the couch…" He pats on his side to ask the alpha to sit beside him. "We'll be gone in a few hours."

"Nope. Sorry." The omega finds himself grunting in frustration, ready to fight for his right of sleeping before Sangcheol comes towards him and pulls his hands so he would stand up. Letting himself comply with it, Haneul hunches his back as a protest, "Come on, let's go back,"

"You're no fun."

"Don't you have morning class tomorrow?" Sangcheol plays the student card, to which the omega rolls his eyes to, not wanting to answer. He might be in the mood for sex a few minutes ago but this guy really knows how to turn him off.

"Tsk. What a nerd."


Haneul thanks the alpha before making his way out of the car, eager to jump on his bed and sleep. Turning around to face the driver, Sangcheol asks, "You sure you don't wanna go eat?"

He shakes his head as an answer, he doesn't want to get fat eating fast food before sleeping. Just as he is about to open his mouth again, "I know. You don't owe me. I'm the one who offered the ride."

That caught him off-guard. That was exactly what he is about to say to the alpha. It takes Haneul a few seconds of just staring at the young male before recalling their last few meetings. He said that to Sangcheol a few times, but it is actually surprising that the man heard him. Letting himself smile from unexpected relief, he states, "Glad you understood my words."

"Clearly. Kinda hard to forget it when you keep hissing it at me." Haneul laughs at that statement. He never hisses. He wonders what kind of image the man has of him to even say that in the first place. "Good night Yoo Haneul."


Haneul locks the doors and quickly gets out of his clothes, throwing it in his laundry box to ensure the smell does not leak out to fill his room. He never likes the smell of clubs. The smell of sweats, mixed with alcohols and cigarette smoke is never appealing to him despite him frequenting the place. Just because he drinks and hang out with people who smoke doesn't mean he has to love the smell sticking on his clothes and body. It might seem weird but that is just the way it is.

Washing his hair with his favourite citrus shampoo, he almost throws up recalling how one of the alphas smelled his hair like a madman while trying to court him today. It is so appalling he just had to leave without getting what he went there for.

Today is his first time going to the club in the west district, having to change it to avoid being in the same circle as Sunwoo but despite knowing the reputation of the area, he finds it hard to accept the way a few of them acted around him. They probably never have someone famous there hence the attention he had been getting despite only being a minor author instead of a major celebrity. It is kind of annoying but he might be able to pull it off, he just have to get used to it and start planning his strategy.

Flopping on the bed, ready to sleep, Haneul stares at the clock. It is already two in the morning. It is fine though; his first lecture starts after lunch which is why he decided to go out tonight - to spend the night outside in some cheap hotel.

"Don't you have morning class tomorrow?"

Haneul smiles at the thought. He wondered if Sangcheol has the first period since he is eager to get back tonight. Will he even get to wake up on time if he is to sleep now? He should already be in his room right now. Is he already sleeping or is he trying to stay awake so he won't oversleep? It is so funny to imagine him fighting sleep during a lecture, his full lips pouting and his thick brows furrowing. Like a big baby.

Laughing through his nose from the image, Haneul shakes his head at his weird thoughts, wondering why he has such an innocent image of the alpha. Sangcheol's physique and looks are far from innocent, in fact he is very manly so why can't Haneul imagine him being as wild and disgusting like others? Is it because of his innocent reaction towards his advance that orientation night? But he was really getting into it before his rejection. The alpha knew what he was doing so obviously, he had experience.

Then why? Why is the man acting very not alpha-like?

Seriously, not falling for his sexual attacks? Obviously Haneul hasn't lost his magic or the other alphas wouldn't have acted so desperate for him a few hours back.

Is Sangcheol a broken alpha or did Haneul find a rare gem? Is the alpha an extinct species known as the demisexual alpha? As in, a decent alpha?

Haneul finds himself grinning at the very unlikely thought. Decent alpha does not exist. And he is going to prove it.