The Reason to Frown 2

Nothing. There are only pictures of food he ate, and the notes he exchanged with his classmates. And that damned drug dealer who hit him last night.

Is his life really this mundane? It doesn't feel like that though, he has enough partying and sex so his social life is great. Of course, that is not something he bothered taking pictures of…

Jumping a little from the sudden vibration and notice on the screen, Haneul cannot help but feel a bit excited, receiving a message just at the right time when he is about to dive into his depression. That excitement is short-lived though as he realizes it is one from their class group chat, some kid just asking for help with his homework. And look, already people are spamming the chat room with answers, another questions and memes. Don't they have a life?

Muting the phone and laying it face down, Haneul decides it is best for him to shower and cool down his head. Obviously today is not a good day to begin with, and his mental issues are starting to take control of him. He needs to do something to distract himself. Even though he is not in a hotel with some alpha and getting lunch together like every weekend, he should at least think about what to eat. Even though he won't be getting ready for another party tonight, he should at least dress properly and go out. Just like any other weekends, he needs to make sure the dark thoughts never even have the room to appear.

Laying back on his bed, still in his bathrobe, Haneul wonders what kind of activity he should do today before deciding what to wear. Should he head to the library and read some books? That is the only think he can think of that will not involve bothersome human interaction. Not only that, maybe he can even find some ideas for his writings.

Yes, the library seems like a great idea.


"Hey Ryuu!" The sudden loud voice shocks Sangcheol who quickly closes his ex's Instagram, somehow feeling like he did something wrong. Of course, still stalking Gyuri after their break can be considered wrong, but that is not enough reason to call him out. Waiting for the footsteps to slow down before turning his head again to look at his basketball club senior, he greets the man. "You're busy tonight? Wanna join us?"

"I have part-time…" That is reason enough for him not being able to join whatever plan the senior has in mind. Although, he is, a bit curious of what the plan is, "Why?

"You can call in sick right? Come on Ryuu! We're having group date tonight but Jae cancelled on us. Five omegas are coming from the women's university!! Nurses!!"

"They're really hot! Show him the pic!" Another voice joined in and Sangcheol sees two more seniors gathering beside him. He didn't catch their footsteps; he wonders when they appeared. One of the three older ones, Jaebum, pulls out his phone and flips through a few applications, trying to find a picture of the ladies they found on Instagram, and beside him, Dongwon opens Facebook to do the same. Hongshik on the other hand, keeps hopping in excitement. "You like noonas* right?" Dongwon asks, and Sangcheol can only smile in wonder.

He never actually thought about what he likes and what he doesn't. The moment he was mature enough to develop sexual attraction towards the other gender, he was already dating Gyuri whom he thought was the most attractive girl in the world. They are the same age so honestly, seeing younger or older girls seems like a strange concept to him.

"Come one man, we need just one more guy…" Hongshik practically begs him, holding his hand and shaking them, pouting as an attempt to 'aegyo*' him into accepting the invitation. Sangcheol is reluctant though, he never been to this kind of things, it will be really awkward. Besides, he is not the loud type like his seniors, and he will also have to call in sick to go so he is leaning towards not going. "You're probably gonna be really popular! They like cute dongsaeng*…"

On a second thought, this can be his chance to get over his ex-lover for good. Although he doubts he will be dating any time soon, at least, not with someone bold enough to go to group dates, this can be a really great distraction and a chance for him to discover what he really wants in a partner. Since, obviously whatever he liked in Gyuri has proven to be a personality of a cheater.

"Don't tell me, you prefer male?" Dongwon finally asks him after a long pause which Sangcheol didn't realize he was doing. The question sends shivers down his spine. It is not disgusting, but it never even crossed his mind to date male omegas.

Because, Gyuri.

Again, maybe concerned from his lack of response, Jaebom figures that he is indeed, interested in males. And so, in a last attempt to coax him into joining their date, he suggests, "They're all omegas after all! We'll have another with male omegas if you join us this time? How bout that?"

"No, I-" Sangcheol tries to explain himself but before he can, all three of his seniors are already discussing about the potential male omegas for the next date. Sighing inwardly, the youngest starts to consider joining them seriously. Not because of the suggested 'male omegas date', but because he realizes this may be the most perfect chance to explore his options and move on.

"I… Lemme ask if someone can take over my shift."

Seeing the bright faces of his seniors makes the youngest alpha happy as well. Without warning they pull him up from his seat and jump in circle as a celebration, Sangcheol laughing at their antics. Maybe he worries too much. Obviously he won't have to try so hard because these three people will help lighten the atmosphere. Who knows, maybe he can learn a thing or two about the other gender from his seniors, or even, how to get their attention. With huge grins on their faces, satisfied with their junior's answer, all three finally make their way out of the court, reminding him, "So Polka Ties at 7!"

"I'll let you know soon." Sangcheol screams back, waiting a few seconds before making his own way out so things will not seem awkward; walking in the same direction after saying goodbyes.


"Yeah. She's busy too…" Sangcheol thanks his colleague before reluctantly hanging up. He had already tried three of his friends he knows doesn't have anything important to take over his shift but seeing at it is only two hours left before his job begins, it is actually not surprising that none of them are available. Of course, considering the shifts are already decided a month back based on their private schedules, this outcome is a given. With his shoulders falling, his heart heavy, Sangcheol dials his senior's number. He thinks it is better to call them to express his disappointment instead of sending a mere text.

"It's fine. Guess we'll have to ask someone else."

The younger of the two nods in agreement, as if the other can see him through the phone. Hearing the beep on the other end, he finally lets out a long sigh, letting himself fall on the bench to lie down.

What a bummer. He was really looking forward into meeting those older women. They must be so different the girls his age. He imagines them being confident in themselves, knowing what they want in their partners and focusing on it instead of busy chasing attention of anyone who shows even the slightest interest like the younger ones. Or, maybe he is thinking of middle-aged women? Come to think of it, the oldest they could get are only two or three years older than him. He doubts people mature that much in that time...

Yeah, maybe he was expecting too much. Omegas going to group dates are probably just as desperate as the ones partying and sleeping around every chance they get.

Maybe, he is not missing out after all. Because, that kind of people won't make a good mate. They will probably live their lives being hungry for attention so much so that they won't be able to settle down with one alpha for the rest of their lives. Although a bond will make it easier for them to stay faithful, Sangcheol cannot imagine being with someone whose heart longs for those complimenting their perfections instead of the ones accepting of their flaws.

Someone like Gyuri.

Oh god, why is he thinking about her again? This is getting so annoying. She used to only appear whenever he thinks of something beautiful but now, months after their break, even the worst thoughts lead to her! It is getting so annoying! It makes him realize how much he had been putting up with her, how badly she had played him and how pathetic he was all those years. And he really wanted to stop feeling that way. It really hurts his ego, or whatever is left of it.

Damnit, now he really needs to do something to distract himself. There is still time, should he go to the gym? Runni-

"Why the long face?"


Noona: older women (called by male)

aegyo: cute actions

dongsaeng: junior