Keeping Distance 4

"My cousin's off limit. He has a girlfriend and I really like her." Haneul turns to look at Sangcheol briefly, his mind trying to process that information and the reason it was relayed to him. It took him a while because he is surprised by the sudden voice. Sangcheol had not said a word since they left the bar. 

That was weird. The man was only offering him a ride home, sensing his discomfort. He was not trying to get home with the guy or anything. Not that, he would mind since the man is attractive.

"You're… alpha hunting, right?" Sangcheol asks, his tone condescending. Noticing that, Haneul scoffs softly, finally understanding that random information. Sangcheol did not tell that to him to notify him of his cousin's relationship; it was a warning. The one uncalled for. Because the owner was only trying to help him. Because he was obviously not comfortable being at the bar with all those disgusting alphas hovering over him.