Summer Trip 1

It is too quiet. The whole place is too quiet.

Haneul stares at the ceiling, trying to distract himself by counting his heartbeat. It has only been two weeks since the dormitory is emptied and already he feels bored. Granted, it doesn't really affect him in the first place considering he is never outside his room to interact with any of them but, everything just feel, out of place.

He has everything to himself – the library, the lounge, the gym, and yet, nothing can keep him entertained. He doesn't have his nightmares as much so nights at the club feels more like a chore instead of an escape. Hence why for the past few days, he preferred to stay indoors but again, there is nothing to do here.


Getting up from the bed and making his way to the fridge, Haneul brings out his six packs. Might as well get drunk.
