Summer Trip 3

Haneul listens to Yohan's laughter as he tells embarrassing stories about his younger brother, and at the front, their mother laughs while sometimes peeking towards her mate. He cannot see much of Sangcheol's father except his eyes, but as seen from the rear-view mirror, the old man too, is smiling. His friend covers his obviously red face, pretending to get mad at his older brother for revealing to his parents what is supposed to be a secret but Haneul knows the parents already know about it long before.

Such a happy sight. The one he will only encounter in commercials. Heck, even the ones in the movies are not as happy as this bunch. It feels as if a host will come out any moment now telling him he is in a hidden camera or some shit like that. 

Any moment now…

Just a few seconds from now…

…Well. Okay then. This is real life.