It's Not So Bad 1

Haneul squirms on the bed, trying to recognize the smell of the pillow. And the room. This is not the smell of a hotel. 

Groggily opening his eyes, his rubs his eyes. Trying to take in the white, boring interior.

Where is he? This is obviously not the usual hotel he would wake up in. The room looks cheap, he will never allow himself to even be here. Even the bed-

Ah. Yeah. 


He is in Geojae. With Sangcheol's family. 

He cried in front of the mother who obviously hates him. He must have been very pathetic. God, this is so humiliating. He knew coming here is a bad choice. Why in the world did he do it anyway? Well, served him right to even dare to dream of experiencing something he never deserved. Lesson learnt. He should go back to Seoul and live his life like he has been doing for the past five, six years – keeping his relationships shallow and meaningless.