Nightmare 1

'How dare you run away yo-'

Haneul gasps, sitting upright as his body prepares to run. Looking around the dark room, still in the midst of catching his breath, the panicked omega notices the figure moving on the other bed opposite his, further causing his heart to palpitate vigorously. Right as he is about to get up, he hears an annoyed groan which sounds young; the high tone very unlike the raspy, low growl of his attackers. 


Haneul sighs, realizing that the figure is another omega. Another groan with the other turning his whole body around to get closer to the wall and away from Haneul – the cause of the commotion, the younger one puts a hand on his mouth, and another on his heart. Then he takes deep breaths, trying to relax because the hard breathings are really starting to hurt himself.