Dream Home 1

The car finally pulls into a stop and the rest of the family excluding Sangcheol open their doors. Haneul turns his head to the right, studying the red brick house which is the same as every other building on the street, and yet seems lovely with the potted plants lined up on their gates and on the veranda. He doesn't know there is such place with many houses in Seoul before, except for the rich neighbourhoods. Granted, the Jungs live further north so the houses might be cheaper.

"Come inside." Yohan's voice calls, and Haneul nods his head before stepping out. The campus is back at the central but they decided to first get back home before changing drivers to send Haneul back. He knows the plan, and yet, it doesn't occur to him that they will actually invite him in. For some reason he thought Sangcheol will drop his family and stuffs, and Yohan will then send him straight to the campus. 

Because people just do not invite strangers into their home.