Sleep Remedy 3

Haneul stares at the question in confusion. Of course he is okay. There is nothing wrong with him. Or… does Sangcheol know that he can't sleep tonight? Why? Weird.

Oh… he can scare Sangcheol. Laughing to himself, the mischievous omega thinks about how he can start talking about ghosts into the conversation. How should he start? Should he say he see something? Or hear something? Which one will scare the alpha the most?

He should just type something. He will think about it as he goes. 

Ghosts aren't real – Ryuu

Haneul blows raspberry at the reply. Brave words coming from a scaredy cat. Just as he is about to proceed with his fictional ghost story, a voice message comes in, 

Wanna come jog with me?

Haneul smiles as he hears the man's voice. Sangcheol sounds energized and excited. Haneul turns his head towards the wardrobe, wondering if he has clothes that is fit to jog in. A shirt and shorts are appropriate, right?