It hurts 2

Taking a seat in front of the female omega, Sangcheol returns her greet with a quick smile. Finally, a week after the open campus festival, he is willing to free his time to see his past lover.

The air is solemn as both parties do not have a word to say. Sangcheol doesn't feel like making small talks with the one who abandoned him, he is just here to receive his apology. In between the awkward silence, the alpha cannot help but steal glances at the omega, curious to see how much Gyuri has actually changed since they went their separate ways. At the same time, he doesn't want to make it seem like he is still into her.

Because he is not.

Her make-up is thicker, but it suits her. Her hair short and blond, very unlike her past style, and yet she looks comfortable. Gyuri really looks sweet and mature. Then again, she has always been pretty.