Curious Rumour 4

Fuck it. Sangcheol starts clicking on all the messages he received from yesterday, wishing someone had posted another link or video so he can confirm by himself whether the rumor is indeed true, and see Haneul's condition last night. With Haneul still not reachable no matter how many times he tried calling, he can only wish everyone is mistaken. Despite knowing that that is near impossible.

Sangcheol looks at the time; If he cannot reach the man, he can just go see him directly. There are still three periods left before the day end, he might have a chance. That is, if Haneul actually attends his lectures today after what happened, or if he even has a class to begin with. The alpha closes his eyes, trying to recall Haneul's schedule. But unfortunately, he remembers that the omega only has one today, and it is already over.

Fuck, how can he get to Haneul?
