Heated Up 2

Without any word spoken between them, Haneul makes his way towards the nearest store as quick as he can without seeming to be in a haste. Sangcheol did try to call out a few times after, but with no answer, the alpha only follows him, making no noise.

As soon as he enters the convenient store, Haneul grabs a few bowls of instant ramen and makes his way towards the frozen food section for some spaghettis, then to the bread area, filling his basket. He considers getting another basket, but looking at the number of things in his current one, he decides against it. He has enough ramen for a week. If he needs more, he can just go on the internet and order pizza or something. Haneul returns to the drink area, grabs a few banana milks and goes straight towards the cashier.


Sangcheol is still outside, waiting for him. Haneul takes note that the man is holding a plastic bag of his own, he can guess what is in it. The man is easy to read, and so predictable.