Nightmare Came True 1 [TW]

[Trigger Warning - Depiction of Violence]


This can't be. The bastard is supposed to be in prison. Detective Young made it clear that his parole appeal is rejected. The man assured him that the man will serve all his time. Why is he here?

It cannot be him. He must have had way too many drinks that he started to have some hallucination. Or, can it be that he is already in heat? Is that why he is imagining that bastard right now? 

That must be it, there is no way the old man would be here. This must be all in his mind. Gosh, his mental condition must have gotten worse if he can imagine the man so vividly like this, like he is real instead of just replaying his old memories. 

He is so messed up-

"Not greeting yer old man? What? Yer too good for me now?" 

Haneul glares at the man in front of him, watching as the alpha gets closer to him. Getting nervous, despite knowing this is not real. It's not. This is all in his fucking head.