Nightmare Came True 3 [TW]

[Trigger Warning - Depiction of Violence, Attempted Sexual Assault]

Haneul nods just to stop the man from moving his head around, shaking his already throbbing brain. 

He needs a break. He needs to catch his breath. He just needs a moment to recuperate and think. To gather enough energy to escape. Fuck, he needs energy to scream if that is his only choice.

The sudden absence of pressure on top of him relaxes Haneul a bit as he knows he has some time to think without having to response or react. He needs to focus, he needs to numb his senses. 

Come one, focus! It is not as if this is the first time the man is doing this to him. The man had been assaulting him all this time in his nightmare. This is nothing new. It will just hurt physically instead of mentally.
