Sanctuary 2

Sangcheol quickly regrets suggesting the place the moment he notices Haneul starting to shake. He doesn't know the exact reason, but he can guess it has something to do with the omega's attack. Oh, how he wants the man to stop vibrating. It is bothering him so bad, but it is not his place to ask. And Haneul doesn't look like he is comfortable talking about it either, at least, not right now, when the wounds are obviously still fresh.

"I c-can't go out…. It's uh, it's too… it's," the man is struggling, Haneul looks like he is about to go into one of his panic attack, "h-he's still…"

 That is enough for the alpha. Haneul is afraid the person who hurt him is still out there. He doesn't need to hear the rest just to torture the omega. Cutting the man, he assures, "I won't leave your side. Not even for a second."