No Regrets 2

Except he can't.

Because he needs the alpha right now. Especially now.

'I love you.'

Haneul frowns at the faint memory. That must have been his illusion, he was really out of it. There is no way Sangcheol will ever say that to him after the harsh way he treated the man. Not to mention, he is probably looking really appalling right now. God, he must have been so miserable that he started to see and hear things. Things he will never deserves. Things he will never attain. Thing he will never dare to imagine. 


…if the man really did say those things to him, it is all the more reason why this shouldn't happen. Because that will mean he is using Sangcheol's feeling for his own gain. He will be playing with him, giving him false hope. Even if he makes it clear, just proceeding with their friendship as if nothing happened will definitely hurt the alpha. He will be selfish.

Just like his ex-girlfriend.

He cannot do that to Sangcheol.