Understanding the Omega 2

Sangcheol looks around the station, noting the stacks of paperwork and files on the desks of the officers. It makes him wish he won't end up working in such an environment, he will definitely break. Just the thought of it makes him want to puke. He imagines his line of work – mechanical engineering, to be a bit more hands-on, or using computers instead of the usual manual, paper stuff. He hopes that is the case or he will regret his decision.

He is already regretting his decision. The only field he can think of that guarantees no paperwork is system or IT engineer. Or a dancer, or singer. Or arts in general. Fuck. Why did he choose science??

"Here's your tea." A beta woman comes in with their bottled tea, breaking him for further dread. She places one for each of them before taking a seat opposite them. She must be one of the officers; she is wearing the uniform.