Understanding the Omega 4

"By the way, did you hear what the inspector said? 'Shut up asshole, you deserve it.'" Haneul imitates one of the young officers who dragged Myungseok away. His voice is very bright, a complete opposite of how he was yesterday. He is very excited to recall the possibly traumatizing memory. In fact, this is actually the most he talked since the night of the attack.

To be honest, Sangcheol didn't hear anything after he punched the bastard because he was too distracted but, listening to the omega trying to hit the lower register with his high-pitched voice to imitate the officer is very entertaining. Laughing along, pretending he heard it just to entertain the omega, Sangcheol finally lightens up. 

Come to think of it, he does remember one thing the man said, "he actually said he wanted to sue me! PFFTT!"