Domestic Life 3

Just as he is making his way out of the bathroom, Sangcheol notices the light is still on in Haneul's room. He looks over at the clock signifying it is almost one in the morning and hesitates on whether to check up on the man. Haneul went inside the bedroom a while ago, he should be asleep. Is he up because of nightmares again?

Slowly opening the door, he sees the omega curled up on the bed, in the corner. He doesn't look like he is asleep though…

Suddenly feeling sorry for the traumatized omega, Sangcheol enters, wanting to comfort the other. Making his presence known, he takes a seat on the bed, "Haneul-ah, nightmare again?"

Haneul shakes his head to the man's confusion. Then what is he doing up? In this position?