Opening Up 2

Not wanting to reject the offer as it will make the situation uncomfortable because he will end up seating alone anyway, he sits back down, nodding as he settles his bag on the floor. She grins at him sweetly, and Haneul realizes why she seemed so familiar – she looks like a bunny.

Just like his Cheol.

And warm, just like Joseph.

Feeling his mouth curving upward, Haneul quickly brings out his stationary to pretend to be busy.

"Are you gonna come watch us perform next week?" Eunyoung suddenly asks, filling in the silence before the professor makes her appearance. It catches Haneul off guard, not understanding the reason for the question. Then he remembers that he joined the singing club with Joseph last time but never been there after that due to all his heat drama. "We're doing acapella at Diamond."