Opening Up 4

"What about hugs?" Haneul continues, and the alpha gives himself a few seconds to think. Sangcheol loves hugs, and he doesn't care of they do it occasionally when it is natural for them to do it. Like once they are in front of the dorm, and he is giving Haneul his goodbye. Or when they are by themselves, just wondering about things. "Sometimes."


"When we want to. Not to show off or anything." He answers truthfully. Because showing off gets really annoying. He experienced it once, and though he pretended not to care, it always felt fake.

"Hrmm…" Haneul starts thinking, and weirdly, Sangcheol is looking forward to it. What else does the omega has in mind? Smelling his lover's hair? Because Haneul's hair smells nice. He doesn't mind doing it. Will that be weird if he do that randomly one day? 

"You prefer on top or me riding-?"