Moving On 1

Sangcheol looks at the empty chair in front of him, sighing before glancing at his watch. It is already 20 minutes pass the agreed time and yet, there is no sign of the female omega. There is not even any messages which explains her lateness, nor any notification. Well, what did he expect anyways? She was always like this, never caring about other people's time except herself.

The vibration of his phone can be felt and the alpha looks over to see a message from his beloved, asking him whether it is over. He scoffs to himself, noting that it should have, had the Gyuri been punctual. Replying the truth to Haneul, he waits for a few second to see the man's reply and puts it back down, now feeling agitated. Sangcheol sees that his coffee is already half empty, and contemplates on whether to buy a new one since he does not plan on drinking in the first place. But he has nothing to do here except drink or play games on his phone, and he is not in the mood to do the latter.