Being Good 2

Haneul bids his goodbye to Eunyoung as he makes his way up the stairs to return to his room after his early dinner break with the female beta. There are still some activities that will be held tonight with the freshman – the beginning of their hellish week hence why the facilitators have their meals earlier than usual. Just as he is about to enter his room, he notices that the door of the room to his right is not closed completely. If he recalls correctly, he had no neighbour here. Which means either the management is inside for some reason, or one of the new kids just moved in. 

Should he knock, and see? Because the door is a bit heavy so maybe the person inside didn't notice that it is still ajar. 

He should. If it is the management, he has nothing to be ashamed of. If it is one of the freshman, he will be doing the kid a favour.