The Last Straw 2

Haneul inhales deeply, trying to calm his nerves. He realizes he might have bitten more than he could chew. But he did what he did, and now he has to get this done with. He just has to drink with Jinyoung, and listen to what he has to say. And if needs to, he will tell the man to got to therapy, if, of course, he is not yet in one. 

Jinyoung is still standing with a confused look on his face. Haneul realizes that he threw some of his clothes on the bed just now, making a mess. Walking quickly towards it, he pushes them to the side and offers the younger omega to seat, but then realizes that it might have been a bad idea. Then he pulls his study chair towards the man and points to it. The choices just makes the younger one caught in a dilemma.