
In the Fox household, it is not unexpected to find near all of us in the gym during the day. Hell, you can find someone down here in the night as well, because Israel tends to be down here at unholy hours in the night. Israel, Alissa, and I are sometimes very competitive with each other, often coming up with challenges for no clear reason. Today is one such day where there's a challenge in place, a bet made between Israel and I. I'm not sure how we had come to make a deal, I'm not sure if I am the cause of the situation or if Alissa had instigated it. All I know is that I ended up in a challenge of strength against Israel of all people. When he had challenged me, my first thought was to turn it down as when it comes to strength, Israel is superior. I'm strong, but not as strong as that boy. He can lift weights I only dream of lifting two inches off the floor. Yet for some reason, I accepted the challenge and ended up doing push-ups with Mina on my back. This is even more unfair because Mina is far heavier than Alissa. I should have gotten Alissa as extra weight since I'm the weakest of us two. However, I'm somewhat happy with how things are because by some miracle I have managed to keep up with him, despite how much my arms already hurt. I'm not going to win this bet, I knew from the very start, and by the way my arms are burning I'm close to giving in.

"Wow Zena, I didn't know you were this strong," Mina says, sounding both surprised and impressed at my show of strength. I would laugh and say something stupid and cocky, but that would be a terrible waste of breath. All I can manage is a grunt as I force myself back up, arms buckling.

The goal is two hundred push-ups nonstop. So far I'm at one hundred and ten, twenty the number I won't even graze as my arms have practically lost feeling already. I manage just one more push before my arms give out completely and I'm collapsing onto the floor with Mina on me. She's quick to get off me before she crushes me with her weight and I release a breath of relief, exhaustion, and slight pain. I won't be getting up for a while and my arms are completely jelly.

"Looks like I win" Israel continues his stride, doing push-up after push-up as if it were nothing.

"We all knew this would be the outcome"

"You were really manly, Zena, you did your best" I'm being helped up and offered a bottle of water by the ever kind and supportive Eijiro who had been cheering me on since the very beginning. Nice of him, seeing as he also realized I had no chance of winning.

"Thanks" he doesn't even let me try to use my arms and is holding the bottle to my lips without a thought.

"I don't think I could have done as many as you, Mina is pretty heavy"

"Hey" a towel hits Eijiro in the face and the boy splutters. Mina isn't even offended, she just wanted to throw a towel at him and his words gave her a redeemable reason to do so.

Eijiro likely had an apology lined up before Israel takes him by the collar and practically drags him to the ring in the middle of the room. Eijro, having seen Israel's skills in boxing had nervously as asked him to show him a few pointers, and Israel had agreed. It's been just a month but my older cousin seems to be a great teacher because Eijiro has some great skills now as well. Despite that, he always gets his ass beat by Israel who shows absolutely no mercy in the ring.

I sit on the floor for a minute or so more before I get up after Mina offers to help me if I couldn't. I get up without issue and immediately make for the kitchen with Mina and Alissa trailing after me in hopes of getting some food out of me. By now they both know that anytime I leave the gym I go make some food and both of them seem to like my cooking. Alissa shamelessly steals my food from right under my nose and Mina is polite enough to ask me. On our small walk, Alissa tells me all about her new discoveries with her quirk now she's training to learn more about it as well as strengthen it and maybe unlock a new ability. For a while she had not learned anything new and there was not much she didn't already know, but just a few days ago she found something.

"I can show you" the excitement I can feel from her has me apprehensive because she is way too eager to show me.

"Show me what?"

"My new ability" is the obvious answer as she does a weird walk as some sort of emphasis.

"And what is the new ability?" Mina wonders

"I'll show you guys"

"But I want to know before you do anything" I must know what I'm getting myself into.

"You'll know when I do it"

That's all the warning I get as my feet suddenly sink into the floor as if it were water. It's the weirdest feeling, one I can't describe, though I must say my feet are stuck between the feeling of cold and warm as if both temperatures are in effect at the moment. I try to move, and I can, walking forward as if I were still on the floor, but I can feel nothing under my feet.

Oh, I think I understand what this new ability is.

"You can send people into your world, huh?"

Alissa does this little bounce of joy when I figure it out, all too happy to show me this ability. I do remember her promising me to take me to her world one day, I guess that's why she's so joyous.

"Yes I can, I can make you sink into things as I do and you'll end up in my world and get to be a ghost like me" she explains. "That is; if I want you to be able to move like me. I think I can trap people in my world, or between both spaces"

As she says this, I suddenly can't move forward anymore, I can move, yes, I'm moving my feet, but I'm not going anywhere.


"I see"

"Your quirk just got a whole lot cooler" Mina always admired her quirk.

"Glad you think so," Alissa says while pulling me up and out of the floor and this time I don't sink back down. The quirk is deactivated and I can move around normally again. Her quirk is pretty incredible and with this, it's on another level already. Truly amazing.

Though just like her I have new things as well. Just recently I have been able to form ice with my water ability. I was disappointed when I first learned that I cannot easily make ice, it's not as easy as Katara made it seem. I've been trying for a long time and I finally got it. I can turn my water into ice and the more I do it, the faster I can make the change from liquid to solid. On top of that is the fact I can subtly bend metal. It's far harder than making ice and just makes me admire Toph more. I managed to bend my spoon a little a few days back and I have been repeating this process every day until I see improvement. I'm tempted to try blood bending but that would hurt the person I test it on, so I have not attempted to try this just yet.

As for my cognitive abilities, so far I have learned to utilize my incredible mental range and use it in tandem with my manipulation. I practice at school every day, trying to manipulate people who are further and further away from me. The further away they are, the harder it is for me to try to gain access, but with time and practice, I'm sure to have an incredible range with that ability.

I feel as if I'm quite dangerous.


It's seven pm and we're all gathered in the living room to watch TV. There is this one show that we all seem to like, hence the gathering in the living room. It's a very ridiculous anime with the main character often ending up on the most bizarre adventures - notice the Jojo reference - that have the most normal endings. It's borderline stupid but we all love it for our different reasons. There's a massive bowl of popcorn for us all to enjoy as well as a bunch of soda - juice for me - to enjoy and everyone is invested. Even Morgan joined us soon after she got home. Technically she was brought home by Mirko, who practically dragged her on the floor and dropped her on the couch because Morgan was practically asleep after having healed another major wound. Mirko tends to bring her home when she's injured after that one day. Just recently I got a baby fox from Mirko and I'm not even going to wonder where she got it from. It's a nice fox and I have named him Kurama.

We're all watching this random show, all of us enjoying the evening. Eijiro is waiting to be picked up soon and so is Mina. Alissa is likely going to go build something or experiment with chemicals after the show is over. Israel is either going back to the gym or to his room to play games. Seeing as Morgan is practically half asleep already it's straight to bed for her. And I'll go entertain myself with one thing or the other. I've got a new manga, one Eijiro recommended so I'll probably read that.

It's peaceful tonight.

Until there's a familiar voice shouting from the doorway. For a moment I'm not sure I heard correctly so I'm looking at the door in confusion. The man stands in the doorway with the biggest grin yet, hair a mess, tie hanging low on his neck. In his arm is a young child, held like a sack of potatoes but all too happy to care.

All I can do is blink because what the hell?

"Dad?" Why is he here? We talked the other day, he didn't tell me he was coming over and with the kids no less. Though he only had Clover at the moment. "The hell?"

"I thought you'd be happy to see me" that smile turns to a pout immediately as his expression falls to one of sadness.

That's my father alright.

"I'm surprised, you didn't tell me you were coming"

"It was a surprise"

"No, it wasn't" another familiar voice, this one belonging to my mother who sighs when she sees the way her husband is holding her second daughter. Elijah stands at her side, his small hand in hers, and in the other, he holds some odd toy with the tag still on. "We weren't planning on coming, this was rather spontaneous"

"But it's a surprise" dad insists, putting Clover down so she can walk.

"Hey, aunt Rose, uncle Vincent" Alissa greets happily with a wave. "It's good to see you"

"Lovely seeing you too Lisa"

Oh man, my baby siblings can walk. Well, I knew they could walk, but I'm seeing them walk and it's the cutest thing ever. Babies always have a cute walk and these two are no exception.

"You're just flooded with joy, aren't you?" Dad asks with spread arms, inviting me to a hug.

I look at him, consider, and then promptly walk past him in favor of hugging my mother. I always enjoyed my mother's hugs and my father always had to wait, so he shall wait. It's been a year, one year since I've hugged my mother and I have missed the feeling. I've missed her warmth and the smell of cookies she always has. She still smells like cookies, the scent mixed in with the subtle smell of a soft perfume. She holds me just as tightly as she did the day I left and I'm sure she's not willing to let go this time either.

"When will I ever get the first hug?" I hear my father grumble.

On your birthday if you're lucky


It's nice to have my parents here with me, and it really was something introducing them to Mina and Eijiro. Mina with her cheerful personality earned my mother's love immediately and Eijiro's kind nature earned him another mother. My mom thinks he's super cute and she has told him that more than twice already, making the boy blush almost as red as his hair. Dad chats with him over the most random things, the both of them having this golden retriever energy that makes it fun to watch their interactions. Mina meets the twins and I think she's in love with them. She seems to like kids and they seem to like her in turn because they quickly take to her.

"Ena" is what Clover calls me and when I heard it I almost died on the spot. Ena, she calls me Ena, I love her. She talks pretty well for a two-year-old and knows far more words than I thought she would know. Elijah as well, but he doesn't talk as much as his sister.

"You two are so big already" they're already two, they can walk and they can talk. I missed them a lot and it's good to see them. Their hair has gotten longer over the year, long enough to go into a little ponytail. They're noticeably taller, Clover being a bit taller than Elijah I've noticed. "How old are you?"

They both hold up two fingers with the utmost confidence and say it to make sure I know for sure. Adorable, absolutely adorable.

"Two" I repeat when they tell me and they nod. "I'm thirteen"

They say it as best they can, missing the r completely, but they say it.

"They're so cute" Mina gushes over them and I completely agree.

Soon enough Eijiro's mothers get here and they too meet my parents. The adults exchange their pleasantries and talk amongst themselves, adult things. All the while Morgan is asleep on the couch with a bucket of popcorn on her stomach.

"Kana Kirishima, it's nice to finally meet you" those words shouldn't sound as nice as they do to me, but of course when it's coming from Mrs. Kirishima it's bound to sound like liquid silk. She has red hair now, having dyed it as a show of support for her son. It's even spiky like his own, almost in the same style seeing as they have the same hair length. She has red eyes as well.

"And this is my wife Reiki"

Ah yes, the other goddess that walks this earth. She too has red hair now, albeit not entirely as she simply has streaks through her dark hair. It's a nice touch though, kinda cute how they support their kid like that. She has grey eyes unlike her wife and sun, but she does have teeth almost similar to Eijiro and it really has me wondering about him. Is he a product of the both of them? I had never asked but it really looks that way to me. Ms. Kana has red eyes for one and their faces look more alike while Ms. Reiki has the teeth and hair. The more I look at them the more similarities I can find between the three so it kinda makes sense if he's their biological child. It's not impossible in this world, it really shouldn't be in this day and age. But now I'm curious as to how that happened.

The adults have their talk before it's time for the Kirishimas to leave and I just love watching them go.

"I'll be seeing you Zena sweet" Ms. Kana waves at me with this almost devilish smile as she retreats. That woman knows what she does and she damn well abuses it.

"Have a good night darling" a kiss to the forehead from Ms. Reichi and I'm on the moon. Thank you, god, thank you for everything.

"Bye Mrs. Kirishima" I'm all too happy to wave them goodbye and I know it's freaking obvious but I don't care. I love them, those women are the best.

We watch them leave, my mother at my right, Mina at my left and I can just feel her watching me.

"That kiss has you on cloud nine, huh?" I can hear that smirk in her voice alone and I will not address it. "That's adorable"

Oh shut up, don't go making fun of me.

"Those are his parents, what nice women," dad says when their car leaves.

"What nice women indeed" my mother agrees, though the way she says it is insinuating something completely different. "That woman, Kana, her voice..." My mother trails off with a look I'm very familiar with because it's the same look I get when that woman talks.


"And Reichi, well she's..." Ohoho, mother you understand.


"Rose" my father sounds both disappointed and worried.

My mother looks at him but is in no way apologetic.

"Those women are very, very, very attractive, Vincent, can you blame me? Have you heard Kana's voice? The things she could make me do with words alone, Vincent, and when was the last time you've seen a woman with a body like Reichi? Perfect hourglass" my mother says in all honesty and everything that leaves her mouth I fully agree with. "I would leave you for the both of them"

My father sighs, dejected and very much resembling a sad puppy. I can't even feel bad for him because he knew what he was getting into when he married this woman. Besides, my mother loves him too much to even think about living a life without him.

Next to me Mina bursts into laughter and Alissa's already rolling on the floor. Meanwhile, Israel pats my father on the back as some sort of comfort but he too is struggling.

I am so sorry dad.