
A nap is something I truly need at the moment and I came very close to chasing dreams before someone decided it would be a good idea to use me as a full body pillow and essentially pull me out of my slumber. Now with the prospects of some rest ruined, I'm left to wallow under the weight of a rambling Mina, who tells me all about how her exam had gone and the person she was teamed with. Her recounting and the game on Eijiro's TV is enough of an idle distraction that the loss of sleep isn't that much of a bother anymore. It helps that Mina had gotten off me in favor of simply lying against my side, a position that is comfortable for both parties. If she were to lie on me any longer I would have to push her off and she'd probably get dramatic over it. Eijiro pipes in every now and then about his own experience, though his attention is far more focused on the game he's playing and the flashes on the screen.

I had barely been in my house for ten minutes and Eijiro had called me to come over and promised I could take a nap on his bed, so here I am. Alissa probably would have come along if she didn't run off with Morgan to do god knows what. Those two together are pure chaos and if they're joined by Rumi, well, I pray for whoever has to deal with those three.

"Turns out it was all an illusion" Mina concludes the long retelling of her physical exam. From what I've gathered, her opponent has some sort of illusion-based quirk that is extremely realistic. From scents to feel, to sight and all. That's incredibly powerful, actually. A freaking genjutsu type quirk.

"That's a manly quirk" Is Eijiro's take on the information. "My guy had invisible weapons"

Invisible weapons, I wonder how that works. Does he turn any weapon he touches invisible or does he truly harness weapons that cannot be seen? The latter would have to be some type of creation rather than an object to be found and used. If it's the former then the kid would be reflecting light off whatever weapon they wield to make it effectively invisible.

"What about your villain?"

"His quirk was some sort of noxious gas that he produced from his body," I say, recalling the terrible feelings that gas's brought within me. "Made me dizzy and nauseous, felt like I was about to throw up and I could barely walk without falling on my face"

"Oh man, must've suck" Eijiro sympathizes.

"Yes but it just proves that I was right to add a respirator of some sort to my suit" there's no telling what sort of situation I could end up in and I would rather not revisit that experience, especially when it could get me hurt.

"Plus it would look cool" an important factor in Mina's eyes. "Also, it's a bit hot"

"Why yes, the sun has been showing off today" Truly has been way too hot today, for no reason at all.

"Yes, now do something about it"

"Alright, let me just go fight the sun" Because what does she think I can do against the heat? She should talk to Eijiro about it, he has an AC and I doubt it's just there for show.

"Awe, you would fight the sun for me" Mina teases. "How romantic"

"What's not romantic is how fast I would just die if I even attempted something so ridiculous"

I'd have a far better chance blowing up the moon than even coming close to the sun.

"True, but still"

"There is no bright side, I would die, and that's not very bright"

"It would be, because you'd die near the sun, so it is bright" Mina argues casually and I'm not going to try and counteract her words anymore.

"She has a point," Eijiro says in agreement with a sagely nod. "It would be bright"

Yeah, okay sure.

Mina still insists I do something about the heat and is insistent enough that I use my quirk to lower the temperature enough to enjoy.

Still, there is no point in using me when Eijiro has an AC.

"The AC is broken" Are the words that reject my thoughts

"How did that happen?"

"Mom saw a spider, mom panicked, mom used quirk to kill the spider, mom broke the AC" He recounts with simple gestures. "Spider lived"

Yes, of course the spider lived.

A comfortable silence falls over the room, the only sounds that of Eijiro's game and the bag of chips at his side. Mina is now fully using me as a teddy bear and I'm too lazy to care about being used in such a manner. Besides, it's comfortable enough so it would be pretty stupid to move her. Sleep is still lingering in my mind as my body still yearns for some rest, but alas it doesn't come. It's a terrible feeling when you feel sleepy but at the same time, it's near impossible to actually sleep. I'm left to stare at the ceiling and listen to the sounds of some epic battle on the TV. One of my arms is held captive under Mina's head and I fear it will fall asleep, but still, I don't attempt to move. Wouldn't be the first a limb had been sacrificed so Mina could cuddle. Hell, even Eijiro gets clingy sometimes and slept on my legs once. My attempt to get out of bed resulted in me falling on the floor and hitting my head.


The sudden voice and appearance surprise Mina and Eijiro, both of them flinching at the sound. Israel comes through the window as gracefully as a cat, my cousin offering no further greeting nor explanation for his sudden arrival. He huffs out a breath, pulling down his hood and a dark half-mask all in the same instance, and places himself on the floor in a corner.

"Why did you come through the window, man?" Baffled, Eijiro gestures to his open window widely.

"Was closer" Is the reply accompanied by a shrug."I saw your mother in the garden before so it's not like your parents don't know I'm here"

"They just allowed you to come through my wi-" Eijiro cuts himself off and sighs, already understanding which one of his mothers had let Israel do as he pleased.

Ms. Kana has always been quite laid back.

"Why are you here?"

A valid question

"I have nothing to do and there was no one at home"

"So you're bored and alone" I conclude to which he simply nods. "Mr. Lonely"

He's not at all amused by my mocking joke, but offers no words in return as he seems content enough to just sit there and snack on whatever food he carries in those pouches around his waist. He wears this costume I've seen him in often, one that is apparently issued by UA and to be worn when leaving the school. It is not the costume he wears whenever he's out doing hero work, it is simply a school suit so to speak. Each kid must have one and some sort of mask whenever they go out in public. It's a deeper blue than the gym clothes and a military-style tactical coverall - with a hood. It's a bit baggy on Israel and I'm sure it's upon request more than anything else as he never liked form-fitting clothes.

"There really was no need for the school to use us for those tests," He says like some sort of complaint. "Such a bother"

A lost Nara

"Did you get your ass beat by some newbies?"

"No, they're just annoying and the test took time out of my day"

"You had no choice, huh?"

"We got graded for it, so no, I had no choice"

Mina snorts and mumbles something I could barely understand about how that totally sucks for Israel. Either way, it's already happened and it seems like he got a good enough grade since he doesn't complain much about that aspect of his day. Though he still does not understand why they had to be used and I'm just thankful they used students instead of teachers because I could only imagine how that would go down for us. They would have to fail so many of the new kids.

I do wonder if this variation of the test is better suited for the school when it comes to gathering a good batch. People like Izuku and Shinso have a far better chance of passing this physical than they did the original. In this instance, Shinso's ability would have proven more than useful, and I'm speaking from the fact that my attempt worked pretty well. His quirk makes him more than adequate for the hero course and I found it pretty stupid that he didn't make it in because of the unfair physical exam. Actually, I take back what I said about the original exam being unfair to him. The thing is that he didn't try out for the hero course because he believed the physical to be unfair. Okay, that's okay, but he could have done incredibly well on the written exam and maybe earn some rescue points during the physical.

Or maybe I'm reaching.

Thinking about it now, the original exam would have worked pretty well in Izuku's favor - at least the Izuku that I have met. He has said that he is quite skilled with electronics and can hack into near anything he wanted to. So then in that sense, he could find a way to deactivate those robots, hell, maybe he could have deactivated them all and just earn all the points. That would have been cool to see.

Another thing that struck me as quite odd is the choosing of the 1A students. I always believed those placed into that class were considered the best, so it never made sense to me why Ibara ended up in class B. That girl was ranked fourth in the UA exam, meaning she is in the top five strongest students when looking at the ones who got in that year. So why in the hell is she in class B? And Itsuka ranked fifth. How does that make any sort of sense? Then there's Jozu, Ie; that kid with the weird teeth. The guy was recommended, that says enough. Plus, his quirk is powerful and a tad bit similar to Overhaul's.

Then again, I could be entirely wrong when it comes to the split classes, and A and B could have just been made through different circumstances.

But still, some things just don't sit right with me.


"We've got mail!"

Alissa falls through my door with two envelopes clutched tightly in her hands. Her blunder doesn't bother her nor does it dampen her incredible giddiness as she gets up without issue and runs to show me the letters. Alissa had been stalking our mailbox since Monday, far too impatient to just wait it out. I wonder if she saw the mailman - or whoever did the delivery - put it in the box. I could only imagine how fast she must have reached that box.

Alissa is scrambling onto my bed while I focus on putting my papers away before she messes everything up. I'll pack them neatly later, for now, I'm rightfully interested in these envelopes.

"Unbelievable" A sigh from the door makes Israel's presence known, the boy's appearance is a bit frazzled and I do believe I see some grass sticking out his hair. "There was no reason to tackle me, I was bringing the letters"

"They sent them with you?" Efficient I guess.

"Yeah, I was already on my way here anyway," he says, leaning against the door. "Hurry up and open it, there's something you need to fill out and I need to bring it back "

Lissa wastes no time ripping open the envelope, so excited that I worry she might have ripped the letter within. Opening mine, I drop its contents onto my palm, fully having expected the small device that came out. Soon enough there's a hologram of a very tired-looking Aizawa who seems very unhappy to have to do this.

"Looks like you passed the test and are now a student of the hero course, congratulations and whatnot" He drawls lazily. "Sadly you'll be my student, and even sadder is the fact that you're related to one of my most troublesome students so I do not look forward to meeting you"

And the hologram flickers for a moment before there's someone yelling at him and he's sighing.

"There's a form, fill it out and send it back"

And then it cuts off immediately after and I'm left to stare at the thing.

"There was one sent for the both of you" Israel informs when Alissa asks why she didn't get one as well.

"What did you do to make him hate us already?" I have to ask, because I can't imagine Israel being much of a problem child.

Israel's answer is a simple shrug that makes him seem entirely uninterested in revealing the answer. But there's this smirk on his face after a moment, as if what he has done had been something truly devious.

"Awe come on man" Lissa whines. "If he hates me already it'll be hard to do things"

"What things are you referring to?"

"Don't worry about it"

I must worry about it, Alissa, because you tend to do some dangerous things that can probably kill your entire class. It's a wonder her classmates never got seriously injured with all the stunts this kid has pulled.

Deciding it's best not to waste my time thinking about it, I get to the form that apparently needs to be filled out. First question ends up being a choice between the three remaining departments I would like to enroll in.

"Support course all the way," says Alissa, already crossing out her answer.

Her choice doesn't come as a surprise, not when she's always trying to make something new and theorizing about quirks left and right. From what I've heard, Israel took on general studies as he wants to be a lawyer if the whole hero business doesn't work out for him. As long as he has the papers to prove he went to UA, any college would want him, so I do imagine he would achieve his goal should he want to.

I've never been an indecisive person, however, now I have to choose between general studies and the management course, I'm stuck.

"Still don't know what you want?"Israel asks


"Well, if you're still considering a job like your parents, I think management is a good choice" he offers.

"General studies would work just as well, wouldn't it?" Lissa wonders.

"General studies is basically the department that resembles any normal school, you'd have to continue to college to specialize in anything" Israel explains. "But with the management course, you would learn everything you need to know about managing a hero, or hero agency without the actual need to go to college. And considering the type of job Zena's parents do, such knowledge would make her more suited for the work, especially since she'll also graduate under the hero course"

Israel makes a very good point and management seems that much more appealing right now.

But this is all a backup in case becoming a hero doesn't work out. And it's just as important as that goal.

"Here goes nothing"