Dorm mates 2

A soft melody carries on the wind, gentle and endearing and appealing all the same. Soft tunes ring through the air in a beautiful symphony that has Zena pausing in her stride, abruptly stopping and turning in search of the sound. The soft tune felt particularly pleasant to her ears, fascinating in a sense and sounding as if it were nothing but her imagination. It was not, she was sure as she resumed her walk, legs carrying her closer and closer to the melodious sound of a piano, the beautiful sound of music in one of its purest forms. There's a fascination with such sounds, the way tunes and chords come together to create something truly remarkable. Admittedly, she's a sucker for such things and her ears are highly attuned to it. Perhaps sensitive, she's not certain. She enjoys the sound of an instrument as much as she would any song, she enjoys the sound of a voice as much as she would the simple sounds of a guitar. If it's music, she enjoyed it. But there was something entirely different about the piano. It's romantic in a sense, she couldn't fully explain it. It's just that the music a piano could create felt incredibly different than the rest. Expressive in a way she couldn't normally appreciate or perceive. So then she couldn't help but chase it, curious to know who could be creating such beauty.

The sound is louder when she stops before a door, for a moment not sure where on campus she was at the moment. She had set out to explore, with nothing better to do and wanting to see as much as she could before school officially started. It led her outside her dorm building and onto campus. Now, it seems she's in a different building entirely, perhaps the main building. It is something she should concern herself with, but it is cataloged in the back of her mind for a later date as her focus returns to the pleasant sounds against her ears. It's so distracting, pleasantly distracting really. And so she opens the door, the only barrier between her and whoever lured her to this room so effortlessly.

She had not been aware of there being a music room in the school and yet it should not be much of a surprise - so she doesn't let it be. She lingers in the doorway, for a moment amazed and almost giddy at the sight of so many instruments in one gathering, and her fingers twitch in a sudden urge to play something - anything. It's been a while since she indulged in her musical ambitions, this has her realizing that.

The piano picks up frantically, shifting from something light and fluttery to something dramatic, grave, yet at the same time still as adventurous and exciting. It's an almost abrupt transition that brings her back to her reasons for being here and she's quick to discover the pianist that is the cause of this. It's not that hard when there's a beautiful grand piano sitting in the middle of the room, glinting in the artificial light that filled the space. And in front of it, a familiar figure that makes it all click. She almost wants to laugh as she watches, now leaning against the doorpost and simply enjoying the show before her. And she's not the only one. Out the corner of her eye, she catches a glimpse of purple and she searches until she spots another familiar person. Jiro sits nearby, carelessly strewn on the floor and eyes glued to the scene before her, wide in a set of emotions that Zena can feel melding with her own. Truly, it's something to marvel at so she understands the almost starstruck look on the girl's face, understands the emotions that stir because of it.

She lingers there by the door, arms folded as she leans against the post and eyes closed as she fully indulges. And she doesn't move even when the notes fade out, even when the song slows, and even when the room grows quiet. She can almost still hear the sounds bouncing around the walls and it brings a smile to her face.

When she opens her eyes again she's met with a mortified Momo, who colors as pink as Mina's skin in her realization. Silence encapsulates the room as the three girls stare at each other, each equally embarrassed for one reason or another. Zena wants to say something - anything - to quell the growing awkwardness, but she's not sure what to say really.

She speaks either way.

"You play beautifully" She admits truthfully, sighing slightly at how nervous she was suddenly feeling and how her admittance may seem a bit creepy considering she had been lurking without Momo's knowledge.

"Yeah, you really do" Jiro admits as well, blushing and averting all eye contact, as awkward as Zena suddenly feels.

Of course, she ends up in such a situation the one time she decides to explore the school. Well, it's not her fault she's so in love with music and it's not her fault Momo's playing was like a siren's song.

It's not her fault at all, Jiro insists, so she shouldn't be embarrassed.

Easier said than done.

"I-" Momo giggles, bashful and a bit surprised. "Thank you"

Zena sighs audibly as she pushes herself off the doorpost.

"Sorry, really, for just standing here like some creep," She says with a small shrug. "It's just that you play beautifully and I'm kinda a sucker for music and it's been a while since I've heard a piano piece and it sounded heavenly, I couldn't help myself"

From her corner, Jiro snorts, earning the attention of the remaining two.

"Oh wow, my thoughts exactly" Her words are said with mirth as she resists the urge to laugh. "Nice to know I'm not weird"

"I mean, we could both be weird," Zena says with a smirk aimed at Jiro, one that earns her one in turn, almost teasing.

Momo watches the two quietly, a smile of her growing on her face and she shakes her head. Well, she had simply intended on exploring the school she would be attending for the next three years and somehow things went entirely different than she had expected.

"Jiro" A simple introduction from the shortest of the three.

"Fox" Zena says with a playful salute, one that earns her a snorted laugh.

"Yaoyorozu" Momo introduces as well, though not too sure where to go from here.

It doesn't seem to matter when Jiro and Zena fall into idle conversation over instruments, quizzing each other on their knowledge and quickly pulling Momo into the conversation as well.

"I've been trained to play the piano for years" Momo finds herself saying when they ask her about her skills. "Fell in love with it, unexpectedly"

" I'm self-taught" Zena and Jiro say at once, both glancing at each other curiously. "Really?" Once more in synch

"Yeah, took an interest and ran with it," says Zena casually. "That's just how it goes with me"

"Play anything else?"

"Guitar, bass, drums" Zena lists off. "Though interested in learning more"

"Rookie" A chuckle and almost smug smile from Jiro who repositions herself on the floor. She's leaning back on her hands, one knee up and the other leg resting on the floor. She has to tilt her head to look at Zena, who quirks a brow at her smugness, though it's all in good nature as Jiro tends to be quite the tease. "I can play basically anything you can think of"

"Violin?" Momo is immediately interested and when Jiro nods, her brows raise. "Trumpet?"

Another nod.


Nod and the list went on until even Zena seemed beyond impressed. She knew that Jiro had amazing talent in the musical arts, but this is something else.

"You must be a musical genius" Momo nearly exclaims. The statement has Jiro's smile turning into one of doubt and embarrassment.

"Not really"


Mina will be incredibly proud of me I'm sure and I can't help but think that right now with the loud and exciting sound of an electric guitar ringing in my ears. Somehow I had built up the courage to ask Jiro to play with me and somehow she had agreed. I know she can be a bit insecure about her music and music taste so I wasn't expecting her to agree. It was meant to be an open invite, one she can take at any time she wanted and I made it clear that she didn't have to play with me. I just liked the thought of witnessing her genius in person, because she truly is a genius with all the instruments she can play and it's truly a shame she doesn't believe in her skills. I'll worry about that later, right now I focus on Jiro and the short bursts of sound that she challenges me to copy and each time it gets a bit more complicated. No matter, while I don't play as many instruments as her, I am skilled in the few I do play.

Kurama makes one of his loud noises so I have to glance at him to make sure he's fine, only to find him playing with Momo and having the time of his life. Momo had commented on me having a fox, saying how it's fitting considering my name. Perhaps one of the main reasons I have one. I mean, Rumi gave me him as a joke anyway.

A shorter riff this time, though filled with amazing finger work that leaves me in admiration for just a moment. She raises a brow in a silent challenge and I just love to accept it. It is the first I've met someone I can play with, so I'm not going to pass this up and I'm greatly enjoying it. And when I copy her flawlessly, effortlessly, and down to the very last chord she grins, her excitement nearing my own. The strings are taut against my fingers, but I can barely feel the pain, not like when I first started. I've played often and long enough to develop calluses, though it was a painful journey to that point and I could barely hold a pencil back in those days.

When I start playing something from memory, summoning up what I remember from one of my favorite rock songs, she follows moments later after just listening and for a moment I'm worried about noise complaints. However, I have kept our volume a bit low considering Kurama and his heightened hearing. Don't want to damage his beautiful ears.

"You're not half bad" a complimenting comment from Jiro that I take to heart.

"Good to know" As much as I believe in my skill it's always that much better to have someone acknowledge this skill. "And you're no slouch either"

"Heh thanks" she sounds so bashful and it's a wonder she doesn't have confidence in her ability. Does she not understand how amazing she is? And to top it all off, she can play a fretless bass. And she had said it so casually when I had inquired - as if it weren't an impressive feat. "We should play more often?"


Like hell I'll pass up a chance to play with her again.

Oh and I definitely haven't forgotten about Momo.

"Yaoyorozu, how about you teach me a few things?" As good as I am on the keyboard and piano, I still can't read sheet music. Mostly because I never really invested my time in it, but it never hurts to learn.

"Are you sure?" She seems a bit surprised at my askance. "I don't play the things you two play, so I doubt you're interested in anything I can teach"

"I don't play just one genre, Yaoyorozu," I say. That would be boring. "Music is music after all"

Hell, I can play some classical guitar for her if she asked it.

"Yeah and I can tell you don't stick to one type," says Jiro, who's now admiring my acoustic guitar. "How many guitars do you have?"

"Well, I have the electric, acoustic, bass, and classical" though at the moment I only have my electric and acoustic on hand.

"And keyboards, pianos?"

"A workstation and synth" I gesture to the corner where I've stored my keyboards. "And an electric piano, eighty-eight and weighted"

"Oh," Momo seems reassured by that. "It won't be much of an issue to teach you then"

"Nope, not at all"

At this point Jiro has made herself quite comfortable in my room, sitting in a corner and messing with my amp. She seems to like sitting on the floor, either that or both times have just been rather convenient to her. Nevertheless, I do understand her preference as the floor can sometimes be oddly comfortable.

Thinking about it has me suddenly wanting a beanbag chair. Those things are incredibly comfortable and I can imagine spending my whole day on the thing. I do reconsider, seeing as Kurama has some sharp nails and teeth. And he's quite the menace when he wants to be.

As if to prove a point, he goes running through my room all of a sudden, startling Momo with his sudden burst of energy. He races to the door and makes a hard turn, almost drifting and crashing into the wall. Somehow he saves himself and dashes to the other side and almost runs right into Jiro who simply watches him go about my room with a blank expression. Then she looks at me with a question and I can only shrug.

"He gets like this sometimes"

It's best to just let him get it out of his system. Usually, when he has this burst I would take him outside and let him run wild as he's probably been cooped up a bit too long. Or I'll simply play with him until he tires out and goes to sleep. Either option is good to work out whatever energy he has, though letting him go outside always seems better to me.

"Why exactly do you have a fox?" Momo asks me after a moment, still watching Kurama work out his energy.

"Someone just gave him to me" what was I supposed to do when Rumi just dumped the guy in my room and wished me luck? She even went as far as getting him some things, so I had to take care of him. "So I figured; why not? He's pretty cool and I don't mind having a pet fox"

"And the snake?"

"Appeared in my room one day, so I kept her, "I say honestly, which just earns me a confused look. But before Momo can ask the obvious question I clear things up by letting her know that Morgan just has a lot of animals in her home and snakes happen to be a group of them.

"Isn't it dangerous to have all those animals?" Being the logical person she is, her concern does not surprise me.

"Eh, you'd think so, but Morgan knows a lot about animals and how to take care of them, so there's never been much of a problem" Though Orochi's escape could be seen as an issue. Then again, Orochi's pretty harmless, as are every other snake that Morgan has gathered. She wouldn't let us anywhere near them if they were dangerous in anyways and the worst they can do is bite.

And Orochi doesn't even do that. She's a pretty docile creature.

"If you're interested I can get you a pet" I offer because Morgan is always happy to give the animals to people who would love to have one.

"Can I have a lizard?" Jiro immediately asks, a bit too excited about the prospect of owning a lizard.

"Uh, yeah, sure" I wasn't expecting that, but okay. Lizards are cool in their own way, especially those small cute ones with beady eyes. I forgot what their name is.

"I'd prefer a cat," Momo says. "They're lovely creatures"

Some of them are, others can be very devious.

You know what; maybe I should get each of my classmates a pet.

Yeah, that sounds fun, I'll do that after I get to know them well enough and find out what animal they prefer.

And Aizawa is getting a cat, maybe two.

I wonder if that'll put me on his good side?