Chapter 47

Students flood the cafeteria in search of food like ants swarm anything they can feed themselves with. Perhaps that comparison isn't the most glamorous but it is the first thing that comes to mind as I watch all the fellow heroes in training run around the cafeteria. It's massive in size with tables long and short and in a good number as well. There would be no issue finding a place to sit and relax. They don't understand this or they don't care, or they're like me; so used to scrambling for a good spot in the corner of the room that the size matters little. The first out of my class, I've secured the best table in the room, one deeply hidden in a corner and near a window that expands over the massive gate to campus. The perfect table indeed. It's hard not to constantly glimpse the gate, my eyes drifting towards the window before I can stop myself, even as people chatter around my table. My name is mentioned, a question or a wonder, I'm not sure and I'm staring at a group of eyes that regard me with inquisitive gazes.

Lunches scattered through the length of the table, varying in many ways. Mina has finished hers and as I look down into my bowl, I'm missing a few sausages here and there. Denki is loud and cheery, talking about something I can't make sense of and earning laughter from Eijiro and Sero. Alissa is quiet, eyes sharp and gaze fiery as she watches Iida across from her, still not happy about his presence at our table. Izuku, quiet and thoughtful, glances about the room with a calculating gaze, his fingers flinching now and then as if he itches to document everything in sight. Pink cheeks are round with food as Ochako happily helps herself to some of the food I had given her. I can't remember how I came to do that, but it has happened. Jiro, ever the tease, pokes at a clueless Denki, the boy so unaware of her teasing words and ever so happy. Momo, observing and kind as she is, tries and fails to stop Jiro's somewhat stinging words and simply lets her make fun of the boy who will never find fault. It's all fun and games after all.

How do I find myself surrounded by so many people on the first day of school? At my side, Tsuyu is quiet as she enjoys herself. Her lunch has disappeared and now she opens a packet of jello, wide mouth forming into an odd smile that is no less endearing.

It's nice, I'll admit - sitting amongst them and listening to their many conversations. It's chaotic, with voices and thoughts jumbled together in a heap. It's not something I thought I would enjoy. I don't need many friends, after all, content as I am with Mina and Eijiro alone. But it's nice, no matter how much I can sometimes struggle with proper interactions.

Another sausage disappears from my bowl, this time right before my very eyes and Mina shows no signs of apology as she chews on the stolen goods. It's almost challenging the way she regards me as if daring me to find fault in her thievery. A challenge that goes unmatched and brings a triumphant smile to her face. Of course, she enjoys poking at me in this manner, knowing very well that I would find no fault in her behavior. She's free to take as much of my food as she'd like, I have no issue with it. When she takes some of my juice, I offer her one of the many I have stored away and she smiles this teasing thing. She never got over her amusement over my many juice boxes.

"You're so picky with these things" She would always say, just as she says now, regarding the small box for a moment. "I have never seen you with any other brand of juice"

There is no answer to her statement as I myself don't entirely understand why I refuse to buy other brands. Perhaps I like the safety of such consistency, perhaps I truly am picky with what I consume, perhaps it's nothing too important and just something that comes out of habit. When you do something long enough it becomes something almost engraved into your very being.

Or I just like the juice.

Mina's hand is warm and damp against my own, something I'm entirely used to. With the type of quirk, she has, her hand is never truly dry, sometimes damp, oddly wet, or maybe even slippery if she's in a joking mood and sees the need to send a shiver down my spine. The consistency of that certain slime she produces is cold and odd in a way I cannot explain and always sends a shiver through me. It's amusing I'm sure. Thankfully she has not seen the need to do such a thing at this moment, far too distracted by the many conversations across our shared table.

With my right hand occupied I'm left to eat with my left. An awkward endeavor, but I'll make do.

Many are anxious on this day, filled with excitement as well as nervousness and the combination combined with the sheer number of people present in the cafeteria has slowly been building a throbbing pain behind my eyes. It's not often I experience my headaches, not since I've learned to ignore or accept what emotions try to disguise themselves as my own. When it is too much, it's harder to repel them, and having opposing emotions clash can have chaotic and painful results.

"Are you okay?" Tsuyu asks. I'm a bit surprised simply because she hasn't spoken much and has an oddly quiet mind. Also, her voice is something I'm steadily getting used to. It's not bad. It's the exact opposite really, but it is still something I need to get used to. The way she speaks and sounds is oddly broken, yet not at all unlikable, and incredibly defining. "You seem nervous"

I do?

Ah, I see, I'm doing the leg thing. I stop once I'm aware, stilling my movements and immediately wanting to repeat it to find some sort of relief.

"People are nervous" My honest reply as I struggle to impale a lone sausage on my fork. I should learn to use my left hand as easily and efficiently as my right. I never know when I'll suffer a broken arm.

"Would you like some jello?" an offering that comes with an expression I cannot possibly read. I accept, of course, as I wouldn't dare turn down anything offered by Tsuyu of all people. The offering of jello seems to be her attempt to make me feel better, which is appreciated and heartwarming.

In return, I give her a juice box, a fair exchange

"We're trading food?!" Denki slams his hands down on the table as he stands abruptly. In fact, it's a mistake on his part as he nearly falls over and unto his lunch, only just barely saved by Sero gripping him by the collar. "Can I have a juice box too? I'll trade my gummy treats"

The merchandise is proudly held above his head for me to view; a medium-sized packet that's predominantly white with multiple fruits scattered across it. Never before have I partook in the trading of lunch snacks and food so this situation has me feeling childishly enthusiastic. To top it all off he's offering some good fruity gummy treats and I love fruity gummy treats. I love any fruity candy, to be honest.

"Really Kaminari?" Jiro doesn't look or sound as amused as she currently is with the situation.

"I've got six juice boxes all in different flavors, take your pick"

There's surprise around the table when I pull out six juice boxes and Mina looks like she's struggling to contain her laughter. I still do not understand why she finds amusement in my collection of juice boxes. I like juice and it's the healthy kind and it's a known fact that you should be hydrated at all times.

"Why do you have so many?" Iida asks the question on everyone's mind and in reply I shrug, because I don't have the energy to explain right now.

"She likes juice" Mina and Eijiro say in unison, both equally unfazed by the fact.

Denki takes the strawberry flavor and we wrap up our business with no qualms.

"Still, that much just seems excessive" Iida mumbles as his glasses shine in the light of the sun.

"The stick up your ass is excessive, but okay" Alissa mumbles in turn, earning a very offended gasp from Iida.

The sheer attitude in that sentence is almost amazing.

"Wha-" the man is at a loss for words in the face of one bad word. "That is not school appropriate language, Fox"

The silence that follows is very, very loud as Alissa spares him a single glance and continues eating, either seeing no need to challenge him or not caring enough to say anything in return. Iida nods, interpreting her silence for compliance, understanding, or agreement.

And then, silently but loud enough for him to hear and very clearly meant to be heard by him alone, Alissa looks him dead in the face and says; "Ass" and proceeds to very disrespectfully flip him off.

She goes back to eating as if nothing had happened and Iida looks absolutely scandalized.

"Is there a reason she doesn't like him or does she just not like him?"

"She has her reasons"


Oddly enough our next subject has no name and is to be taught by the R-rated hero; Midnight - who is seated on her desk and greets us with a sunshine smile. The first thing of note is the costume, which is completely different to the one I'm used to and not as risque and... Well, everything else it was. That costumes had left very little to the imagination and paired with that whip she carried around, it certainly painted an image. Any villain with a submissive and masochistic streak must have certainly enjoyed running into this woman right here. Yes, they got arrested for sure, but I'm sure they enjoyed the entire process.

"As you've probably noticed, this class has no name as of yet" As she speaks she motions with her hands, bringing attention to the handcuffs around them. They're functional instead of separate pieces that had surely been for aesthetic and not for actual use. There's a whip attached to her belt, which looks like an actual belt instead of whatever it is she had before. And to make the belt that much better, the buckle is decorated with three x's. "It's a recent subject that has been added with my insistence, so we'll work on the name at a later date"

There's a hand in the air before she has even finished her sentence and many eyes turn to the ever serious and eager Iida.

"You look just like your brother" Is the first thing she says to him. It was said without thought, I can tell. "What are your concerns?"

"What exactly will we be doing during this class?"

Iida, as disciplined as you are, you are also very impatient. To ask the most obvious and simultaneously stupid question is something only you can do and I love you for it. But sometimes it's best you keep your mouth shut and let the teacher explain before you stick your hand in the air and shoot off questions.

"We'll be talking about your costumes and all the mistakes you've likely made when designing them"

I can feel more than see Izuku's interest pique with those words. When I look at him, he's sitting straighter with an opened notebook and pencil already scratching the blank pages.

"I have your designs right here and most of you really messed up," Midnight says, quite bluntly. "Or rather, you missed some opportunities, but some of you messed up"

Aoyama is the first one she calls out for this, questioning why he chose a suit of armor of all things.

"It is simply magnifique" is his dazzling reply.

"It's impractical" is Midnight's rebuttal. "And it's definitely not magnifique when you can barely move in the thing. It's not as flexible as actual knightly armor as those things were still flexible enough to move around in. The only good thing about your costume is the belt for your laser"

There she goes stunting Aoyama's shine. How is he to sparkle and shine if he's not in a full suit of armor?

For some reason, I can see his little sparkle and the way it glows a bit less at the words as he sits a bit dejected.

"You can still have armor if you want it so badly" Midnight is quick to reassure once she realizes that she may have hurt his feelings. "Just one that offers more mobility, okay? I'll make sure you get some good armor, I promise"

And just like that, his sparkle is full shine once more. Good on him.

"Next, let's see, Bakugo Katsuki" Midnight scans the room until her eyes land on the boy and a brow raises. He's scowling and glaring as if daring her to criticize his costume design, as if there could be no wrong in the thing he created. "Oh, don't give me that look, little boy"

"Little boy?!" The disbelief and anger on that man's face is comedic. I'm sure he's about to release a string of curse words right now and I'm here for it.

"Think very carefully before you allow any foul words to leave your mouth, young man" Midnight warns. "I'm allowed to punish you however I see fit, so don't test me, I know how to handle temper tantrums"

And for the second time today, Katsuki shuts up and dares not say another word. As disrespectful and disdainful as he is, he's still more or less a genius and is smart enough not to start something with a hero - a trained hero who can surely put him in his place. Not to mention, that whip at her hip is spiked, so I bet that was more an incentive than anything else.

"The biggest issue I have are those gauntlets of yours" Katsuki scoffs and Midnight quirks a brow. "They're too big"

"There's a- "

"There's a reason, yes, yes" she waves him off as she gets up from the desk and reaches the back of the room. Eyes follow her as she goes and I don't miss the way Mineta's travel a bit lower than they should have.

A simple flick of the finger has him almost falling out of his seat and holding his forehead in both confusion and pain as he looks around the class suspiciously.

Midnight opens one of the many compartments on the wall and pulls out the two gauntlets she's speaking off and tells Katsuki to put them on.

The first issue begins to show itself when he has one on his hand and realizes that he can't very much use that hand to get the other one on so he has to find a way to slip the other in. He figures it out, not without some amused and probably satisfied snickers from Izuku, who meets his gaze with no hidden smile.

"Issue number one, a hassle to put on" Midnight taps the things. "Issue number two, both are heavy and already handicap you by compromising your mobility. Issue number three their awkward to move around with."

With each point, Katsuki's scowl worsens because he realizes, and knows she's right.

"Number four, why don't you open the door, Bakugo?" She smiles something that is surely just slightly sadistic in nature as she makes Bakugo march - stomp - towards the door and try to open it. The way the gauntlet is built, the front touches the door before Katsuki's hand can properly grasp the door and successfully prevents him from opening the door as easily as he normally would. "Issue number five; while those gauntlets will surely cause some beautiful explosions they would be uncontrolled and far too destructive in certain situations. You may end up hurting the wrong people instead of saving anyone"

Bakugo is loud, even in his mind as he stomps back to his seat and practically fights to get the gauntlets off and can barely contain his anger as small explosions begin to form in his palm.

"Why do you not have ear protection?" Midnight asks him and forcefully helps him get the things off. "Do you plan on going deaf during your career? I would also suggest some eye protection if you're going to be blowing everything up, don't want you going blind as well, do we?"

I would expect Katsuki to fail in his battle to contain himself and just go off the handle, but he remains quiet, though he does look as if he's about to pass a massive shit. I'm surprised he's trying to hold himself back and that he's managed to do so in the end. Katsuki, while disrespectful and as pleasant as a turd that's been in a sewer - I think that's what Denki said or something along those lines - is a smart kid, a genius maybe and unlike Iida, he does know that sometimes you should keep your mouth shut. Still, I was expecting him to act like a wild animal.

"Next on the list, we have Yaoyorozu" Midnight scans the class until her eyes find said girl. "Your quirk requires exposed skin, somewhat like mine, so I understand the things you've done, but I can't let you go on like this, hell, I've done something like this before too"

I have a feeling she's referring to the suit I had expected to see her in and not the leotard and leggings combo she has right now that's just as appealing as the former. Truly, the leotard is amazing, the leggings are amazing, the boots are top tier. Combat that go up to the knees with tons of buckles and steel toes that could likely draw blood. The leotard is the purple of her hair, the leggings a lighter shade and she wears a cropped leather jacket over her leotard. Her gloves are the same purple as the leotard and apparently have brass knuckles.

"Consider a cropped top with zippers, dear. Actually, I would recommend trying to find a material that would allow you to create without the need to reveal much skin, if you get what I mean. Those kids in the support course are as eager as they are bright and could likely help you out, which is impressive. Those kids could give some adults a run for their money with how smart they are. I'm proud actually"

"Yes I had considered this but I was told they had no such material," Momo says a bit hesitantly.

"Oh we don't, but again, those kids will work overtime to make it for you, I'm sure some of your classmates are also in the support course, so you can take it up with one of them"

"I call dibs!" Alissa quickly exclaims just before Izuku goes to open his mouth. "I'll do it, please let me do it, I can do it"

"See, you've already got someone to get on it for you" Midnight chuckles. "If you do it, it's likely you'll earn some sort of grade for it, I'm not sure how things are done in the support course"

"But moving on, you have a book, get rid of it"

Yes, the book is quite useless.

"When you're in the field you won't have time to go through a book and search for whatever it is you need to know. Get a specially made tablet or an electronic visor or a wrist projector or anything more efficient and practical than a literal book" Another good point made by our wonderful teacher. "Who would li-"

"I'll do it" it's Izuku who claims this project with his hand up and Alissa shoots him a look that is either full of respect or the burning fire of competition.

"Good to know" Again Midnight is amused. "Lastly, get rid of the heels, they're no good. I learned that the hard way. I always suggest knee and elbow protection, proceed as you will"

Quiet falls over the class once Midnight has finished and she's scanning the class again. It looks like she's targeting the kids that have the most issues with their costumes and her eyes finally land on Toru.

Well not really, since she's invisible.

I expect her to start this as she did the others but instead, she says; "I could slap you"

Many are surprised but I completely understand. Because who wouldn't be mad at the fact that Toru plans to walk around naked? She's going to get herself killed, I'm surprised she made it as far as she did in the anime.

"What made you think that such a thing was acceptable or smart in any way?" Midnight questions, clearly frustrated. "You reflect light, get a costume that can utilize this ability, it's not impossible. Get some protection, some padded boots for stealth. Did you know that we have cloaking tech? If you didn't, you do now, use it, child. Do anything really, it would give me some peace of mind"

Clearly, Midnight has gone over each student's costume and has made all the necessary notes.

"Look we had more than a few students in the last years go into the field with some very questionable design choices and more often than not it could have been better or they get hurt because most of the time kids seem to forget you need protection if you're going to be fighting crime. It's not all about style and appeal, it's about practicality and versatility" Midnight goes on a rant and all I'm able to think about is what had happened to change her original costume and why she's just a tad bit different than I'm used to. She is a serious teacher when she needs to be, that I know. And I'm not finding her different because she hasn't been flirting - that's something that only happens in the anime because someone must've liked the thought of an adult woman having a thing for minors.

From what I remember, Midnight taught history and there had obviously not been a subject surrounding costume design and the likes before. And it's a new class as Midnight had said and the reasons for her wanting the class have already been stated and are all completely logical. I wonder if she did have the costume I'm familiar with and went through a moment of realization some random night and decided to stop kids from making similar mistakes.

Or she's just a concerned teacher who's trying to look out for her students. She doesn't even know us and I could sense concern, especially when she addressed Toru. Again, I fully understand why she's so frustrated with her. If I were a teacher I'd be concerned as well. One wants to wear a suit of armor that offers no mobility and is likely incredibly heavy. Another thought it would be cool to walk around with massive gauntlets that can kill with the little control he'll have over it and he had not thought of adding ear protection, because it's obviously unlikely he'll go deaf because of his quirk. I don't even need to say much about Momo and less needs to be said about Toru.

The next person she addresses is Mineta, who enjoys her attention far too much. If his thoughts weren't gag-inducing, I wouldn't find fault in his enjoyment because that would make me a hypocrite.

His enjoyment is quickly crushed when she proceeds to go into him about his design, having gone easy on him until he said something rather lecherous and earned her ire. I don't necessarily care about perverts if they know to keep their thoughts to themselves and not border and sexual harassment. Mineta - the poor fool - does both of those things, which contributes to why many don't like him. Though there have been many anime characters with the same traits, yet Mineta gets more hate for it.

Ah well, if he were attractive, perhaps people wouldn't find fault in him. Or if he were some old man on an island teaching martial arts. Or if he were anyone else rather than himself.

But who am I?

"You're just a little pervert, aren't you?" a very straightforward observation from Midnight, who stands at Mineta's desk with narrowed eyes. "Well, let me tell you this, little grape boy. No woman will ever spare you a second glance if all you can do is drool in their presence and make the kind of stupid comments you make. And surely you must understand what that costume of yours would have you looking like, hmm?"

I'm not sure he has any sort of logical thinking at this point in time. Mineta is a smart boy, that I'll admit, and he must have a better reason for being a hero, despite what it may seem and what he has said. And surely he could take the time to understand that he'll get no woman by being the way he is. He would be cute if he weren't so disgusting. Like really, he'd be adorable and I had thought as much before he opened his mouth with his nonsense.

Ah, poor grapeboy.