"Good Morning Gisselle", came a cheerful voice. Gisselle turned around and found the owner of the voice smiling at her. Stood in front of her was a beautiful woman, wearing a choker neck blouse with black and white stripes and black semi-formal trousers. Her hair was disheveled, perhaps because she was traveling, however, it did not make any difference and she still looked stunning, as always. The blue framed sunglass added charm to her already awe-inspiring look.

"Welcome back ma'am." Gisselle shrieked delightfully.

"Working even on a weekend, huh? Did you miss me?" The woman winked at Gisselle.

Gisselle smiled at her boss and teasingly replied, "Why would I? Who wants to see her boss every day, especially when she is serving her notice?"

"Hey!! That hurts Gisselle", her boss removed the sunglass and placed it on her head, then brought her hand to her chest and made a sad face.

After a few moments, both Gisselle and her boss burst into laughter.

Her boss started walking towards her cabin. "Hey, Gisselle! On a serious note, you know I will miss you. Right? Can you please rethink about leaving me? You know this place will not be the same without you and we need you." She whined. "I.. need you."

Gisselle followed her boss towards her cabin and sat down on the burgundy sofa. They had gone over this conversation so many times, but they both knew Gisselle had to leave.. someday, to settle down with her husband who was currently working in France.

She may have married a little late for her age, but Gisselle and her husband have happily been together for three years. Soon after their marriage, her husband was promoted and had to move to France, soon after Gisselle grabbed a good opportunity to work here with this company, so she had decided to stay back.

Although, it was just a start-up business back then, when she had started working here. But, Gisselle stood by her boss and they had worked very hard to make this business a success and reach where it proudly stood today.

She has been working with her boss since the initial days and had bonded over time. Which is why her boss did not want Gisselle to leave.

Gisselle and her husband had been living separately for all these years, until three months ago. Gisselle had accompanied her boss to Bordeaux for a supposed client meet, which, actually turned out to be a lie. A prank that her boss had played on her, so her boss could take a vacation, while Gisselle would get to spend a few days with her husband, whom she has been missing so much.

Her boss strolled leisurely around her cabin, dropping her bag and sunglass on the table, while turning on the air-conditioning. She chugged down water from the bottle kept nearby and then plopped beside Gisselle on the burgundy sofa with a sigh, "You know I'm very jealous of you, right?" she sulked.

"And why is it, boss?" Gisselle replied in a teasing tone, feigning innocence. She knew exactly what this was about.

"You are, without a doubt whatsoever, very beautiful and now you've also started to glow." Her boss gazed at her. "And soon you'll be leaving me alone to go back to your husband", her boss threw her hands in the air, whined, and jutted her lips out.

"Boss. Am I not allowed to go back to my husband? Especially now?" Gisselle pouted too and batted her lashes pretending to cry.

"Stop it, G. Everybody knows you are not just my assistant, but also one of my closest friend. I can blindly trust you and depend on you for anything and everything. I and this company have reached so far so soon because you have been my support all along." she sincerely confessed.

"To tell you the truth, I was the one who started this business, but it wouldn't have been the same without you." she paused.

"Everything around here equally belongs to you, as it is to me. So, stop calling me boss. And now that you are leaving, at least don't make me feel like a pain." she folded her arms across her chest.

Gisselle guffawed on her remark, "Who said my boss is a pain?" But there was no reaction from the other person. She observed her boss, who really looked very gloomy and had a dejected look pasted on her face.

Gisselle knew the bond she and her boss share can never be replaced. But, now is the right time, when she had to move on and had no other choice but to leave her boss and say goodbye to the everything that became a part of her life, these past three years. She had spent days and sleepless nights working tiredlessly.

Unfortunately, this is as far as she could go.. She had a resposiblity, and must take care of her husband and start a family. There was no point delaying anymore.

But Gisselle would always remain friends with her, no matter how far they are from each other and Gisselle was sure she can bet on that. Her boss and the people she had spend time working with have become her family too.

Gisselle took her boss's hand in between hers, "My dear Melody..", she chuckled. "..does that sound good to you now?" Gisselle loved annoying her boss.

"Shut up Gisselle, I am being serious here", her boss grumbled and pulled her hand out from Gisselle's, folded both the arms across her chest like an adamant child, and feigned annoyance. But little did she know, Gisselle was clearly able to read her face. She could see the pain that revealed itself into those eyes.

Her boss was not annoyed at all, just sad that she had to let go of a very dear friend. Someone she had come to depend on with her life.

Gisselle held her hand again and smiled at her boss, "Melody..", she spoke softly. "…You are not just my friend, you are a family to me. I know you think of me as your elder sister and you must be feeling sad, now that I am leaving. But, trust me when I say this, my dear, I am not at all that far away from you. Just a call and I am all ears for you.

You are free to come down to see me whenever you have a little free time from your busy schedule. And when you want to run away or break free from everyday boring life. And I promise you, I will come down to meet you, whenever I need a break from my husband." Gisselle giggled loudly.

Melody smacked Gisselle lightly on her hand, "Don't you dare do something stupid." And moved away from her a little.

"I WILL ALWAYS BE WITH YOU MELODY.. SO DON'T BE SAD.", Gisselle replied supportively.

Gisselle moved closer sticking to her boss like glue, placed her hand into her own, and put her head on Melody's shoulder to reassure her, and sat quietly for some time.

She looked at Melody hoping her words would comfort her and ease her sadness. Melody did not react much and just smiled, but the pain was evident in her eyes.

Gisselle after few minutes of staying silent with her head still on her boss' shoulder, suddenly shifted a little to look at Melody, "Damn it! Did I tell you?, she shrieked in excitement. "Oh yes, I did not." She quickly remembered, that her boss has been traveling for quite some time and they did not get time to have a proper conversation, apart from sharing some urgent mails and a few quick calls.

"So boss, just to let you know, that I've started to look for my replacement. One thing I promise you is that my replacement would be better than me. And.." She paused looking at Melody very intently.

"And what?" Melody questioned.

"And.. uhm.. MORE BEAUTIFUL THAN YOU." , Gisselle screamed and poked Melody's torso.

"Aha..hahahahaha.." Gisselle rolled out laughing, holding her stomach and fingers pointing at her boss. "Frankly, anyone I hire would be more beautiful than you anyway. Believe me." Gisselle goaded.

Melody Peters, a young entrepreneur was sweet, fun-loving, and also breathtakingly beautiful, that anyone could be jealous of. Not only just beauty, she was also gifted with such a compelling aura, that had an amazingly positive effect on anyone she met.

Her oval face, bright grey eyes, long nose, fuller lips, and short but soft brown hair were just an added feature to her beautiful and welcoming nature.

The only reason Gisselle teased her for not being good-looking was her androgynous figure, which made her look a bit manlier.

However, right now, the captivating and overpowering aura that Melody always emitted was missing from her, making her look beaten and powerless.  Gisselle was very much like her sister, and she adored her. Gisselle, who had joined as her assistant back then, soon became her guardian angel and family.  They had formed a bond that Melody had never had with her own family.. if that's what they can be called.

Melody was born into a rich businessman family with two older brothers. But, she often felt like she would have been adopted from an orphanage as a baby, because her parents were hell-bent on totally ignoring or humiliating her, and showering all their love on her brothers. Maybe because they were the ones who would to take over the family business.

Both her parents regretted giving birth to her and that clearly showed in their actions towards her. On the other hand, Melody always loved her parents and siblings, no matter how poorly they treated her.

The eldest brother Colin went on to join the army and often got his posting at Afghanistan or Iraq. While growing up she was fairly close to him, as compared to the second brother. Colin and Melody used to play together and later she developed an interest in having a gym body just like her brother, so they often hung out together. They both also shared similar tastes in music and movies.

Melody liked to compete in wrestling with Colin, but never did they do anything in front of their parents. Colin loved and cherished her, but since their parents did not allow anyone to be close to Melody, he only went to see her when they were sure that nobody was around to notice them..

Which is why when Colin left for his training, it felt like she had lost everything. And whenever he came home visiting, it was obvious that Melody was the happiest person in that house. Her parents still had her second brother to them, unlike Melody, for whom Colin was her only family and friend. However, sadly enough, they both could not spend much time together and before she knew it, Colin would be gone and she would be back to feeling lonely and ignored by everyone.

Gradually, as years passed, she grew apart from everyone in that house and even stopped loving her family. Her father chased her away with an excuse of 'studies', being independent' and whatnot.

The only thing that she received from her parents, while she was away, was money. Thankfully, they supported her financially. But they never called to check on her and she was not allowed to come home, even during holidays. Melody spent her holidays, staying either at her dorm or with one of her classmates. She spent her time productively, by taking part in various class activities.

Collin occasionally called to check on her, but never came to see her. It hurt her, but she was getting used to it, and eventually stopped caring.

As for her second brother, Vince. They both stayed away from each other and hardly ever spoke.. Melody preferred that way, because they never saw eye to eye on things. Also, because she found him a little crazy. Vince eventually took over their dad's business. She was barred from going back to that house...for a long time by now. However, once Vince took over the family business, she was practically disowned and wasn't allowed to take a single penny from her parents. 

She was smart enough to have expected this to happen.. eventually. Therefore, she has always planned to support herself, so she could be ready when that day arrived. Post being disowned, whatever little she knew about her own family, would through the media coverage.

She never dreamt of taking over her dad's business, on the other hand, she knew she wanted to start something of her own, one day.

While studying she met many outcast people and took up various dangerous challenges and sometimes she even indulged in street fights. She stopped looking for her parent's acceptance, she knew she would never get it.

The allowances she received from her parents and earned from participating in such activities were all saved for her future. Melody hardly spent the money on herself, and from early on she had started planning for her future, as she knew there was no way back to her family. There never was to start with.

All of a sudden, one day, Colin' wife had sent her some money, along with that was a letter that said,

Hello M!

We may not know each other, but I was told Collin has a beautiful and intelligent sister. For whatever reason he is not contacting you, I can assure you he still does care about you. I am sending you a cheque along with this letter, please feel free to take all the money as you need it to start that business that you always talked about.

Collin has done one more arrangement in your name, and the apartment key has been sent along with this letter. We wish you all the very best and hope to see you in person one day. The day when you would be standing next to your father, while you are being awarded "The Successful Entrepreneur of the year"

Jacinta Collin Peters.

Melody was happy to receive the much needed help from her brother, and it felt good to know that Collin still cared. But was it even true or his wife was trying to cover up for him? Melody had no way of knowing. She thanked the person who delivered her the letter and the money to her. Melody learned that this person knew nothing about the content in the package he was asked to deliver.

The reason Melody kept that money was just to prove her worth to everyone, who thought she didn't derserve to even be alive. She wanted to start her own business, and to do that she needed money. Melody was sure, she can make her dream a success and one day she would prove that she wasn't undeserving of everything life had to offer, to all those people who abandoned her. But, most importantly, she was capable of earning everything on her own, instead of taking over her father's business.

Not to forget, she was indeed their family and has the same blood running through her veins. She would, one day for sure, make them regret their decision of belittling her the entire life and then deserting her. Vince will definitely fall flat on his face, she had vowed.

With that said, Melody had also made a promise to herself to return all the money she had taken from Jacinta. She had ordered Gisselle to make a separate account for Colin, where she would keep the money that she owned to her brother or his wife.

Somewhere in the deepest corner of her heart, she always had this hope, that Collin did care about her and would most definately be proud of her. She sincerely hoped Jacinta was not lying to her, and looked forward to that one day when she would be able to see her brother Collin again.

Her dream was that day, at least Colin would say to her those words she wanted to hear from him. "I am proud to have you as my sister." Even if would be the last time those words left his mouth, she still wanted to keep that hope in her heart. She would also meet Jacinta, the one who helped her at the time Melody didn't even know her.

Melody also wanted to see the look on Vince's face, when she beats him. It would be so worth it.  Last but not the least, she secretly hoped her parents would acknowledge her and be proud of her too. Even if it was just a wistful thinking, she was glad to let it ignite her heart with whatever little happiness she had.

"Hey, Melody! You seemed lost. What are you thinking about?" Gisselle's voice brought her back to the present moment.

Melody scoffed, "That new assistant.. She better be an asset than a liability, so choose well." she kidded.