Teya had been making her way through the courtyard and towards the royal castle. And as per usual, she was going there to meet up with Evan along with Blyke. Though, is she had it her way, she would have much rather Blyke not being there. Not that she necessarily disliked…well, actually, she somewhat did – he was very pushy and intrusive at most times, a trait that Teya didn't find very appealing. Evan, on the other hand, interested Teya at large and she very much enjoyed his company. That was that, she supposed. There was no denying it.
Though, today, as fate would have it, Taya had been making her way to the castle as well, more than certainly to meet up with a certain Lias Stronghold, or as Taya would sometimes call him – "Goldey Li." or more commonly "Honey!" Indeed, for whatever reason it may have been, Taya Firestone and Lias Stronghold were a couple.
"You know, you've been going to the castle an awful lot lately. I know you usually enjoy going there to look at the relics on the castle walls but isn't this a bit too frequent for that?" Taya asked. And Taya, for a better look of her image, was what you'd expect Teya to look like if she were much taller, had a thinner, prettier face structure when compared to Teya's rounder head shape, and had longer hair that was a tad, bit darker than Teya's bright orange color.
"I don't know what you're talking about. This much is normal for me." Teya said as she turned to the side, in an attempt to avoid eye contact.
"Is that really so?" said Taya as she inched her face closer to her shorter sister.
"Yes, it is." Teya replied with puffed cheeks.
Taya smiled as she raised her head. "Are you sure it has nothing to do with that Evan Stronghold?" Taya asked. She hammered the nail right into the coffin with no hesitation whatsoever.
"What do you mean?" Teya asked in an attempt to hide her blushing. And it is note while to say that she did a horrible job at that. As it were now, Teya's cheeks were bright red.
"Well, ever since he's shown up in the kingdom, you've been going to the castle every day. In fact, when that boy was unconscious for those several days, the only person to visit him more was his own mother. That says a lot doesn't it." Taya said as she held her hands behind her back and leaned to the side to catch Teya's eyes.
"I was worried for a comrade. Is that so wrong?" Teya retorted.
Taya frowned as she sighed with a down head. "Seems like I won't get anything out of you." The woman then looked forward again as they stood before the castle. "Well, anyways we're here."
Lias confronted the two demon lords, his resolve had yet to be shaken and he continued to retain his condescending composure. There was no way he'd bow to these demons and allow them to do as they please. No, not at all, he supposed.
But before he knew it, the older of the two demons had appeared behind his back. It wasn't any sort of ability, Lias was sure of that. The demon was simply that much faster than the young Stronghold. Still, Lias didn't falter.
"What do you think you're doing?" Lias asked as he glanced back at the towering monster behind him.
The creature peered down at the boy with his yellow eyes. "Aren't you brave?" it mocked as it lowered its head.
An arm reached around Lias' neck and at that, he reflexively swung a kick for the demon's neck.
Los caught it.
Lias in no means held back. As a matter of fact, the bones in his legs had shattered on contact and were now being healed by the golden light that surrounded it.
Still, Lias refused to falter.
He used the strength of his right leg, which the demon had caught, and pushed his entire body into the air, where he then lowered his left leg on to the demon's head.
With the monster's other hand, he caught Lias' leg as the ground beneath the two shattered apart with cracks running along the concrete.
Then Lias made for a third strike, aiming for Los' head with his right fist. This time, his blow landed and Los was sent flying backwards as Lias landed on the ground.
The demon, however, had not fallen to its back. No, it was merely pushed away by Lias' blow, as its neck was broken, and left to lean backwards. But malice soon appeared at that area and healed the injury as the demon rose forward his head to look at the golden haired man.
"Hey you bastard! What do you think you're doing?" Ellios came from behind to land a fist at Lias. However, by now, Lias injuries had already been healed and he dashed away quickly, effectively dodging the attack.
"Ellios, calm down." Los said calmly as he walked forward, fixing his crooked glasses as he did so. "Boy, do you not intend on handing over Emma. I'm sure that she's passed through here. She's a little demon girl about this tall," Los lowered his hand to about a length of one hundred and ten centimeters. "has white hair, red skinned like us two, and most of all, her eyes are differently colored with heptagonal symbols written within them."
"I'm afraid that I don't know who you're talking about. There's been no such being that has come to this castle." Lias replied as he fixed himself in stance, one leg placed behind with one forward and his two hands held in a fighting position.
"Then how do you explain that hole?" Los asked as he pointed towards the throne, where a hole had been made beside it.
"Renovations." Lias lied. "Is that so wrong? We've been thinking of destroying that gate and filling up the entire room. So as to prevent demons like you coming into our kingdom."
Lias eyes dimmed to a glare as he spoke.
"Arrogant human…" Los said as his eyes began to glow. "I will not allow th-"
"Hold it right there!" King Roy, still within his royal pajamas had heard the commotion and came to see it. Within his hand, he held a scepter with a strange pentagramed eye embedded by a claw like feature at its top.
The eye of the scepter glowed continuously and when Roy spoke his order, the glowing of Los' eyes froze and both he, along with his son, found themselves unable to move.
King Roy walked towards the two demons. He raised forward the scepter and spoke as he did so. "I order you two to return back to Hell. There, you are to tell Agnos that if he dares to return to the human world, he should know what is waiting for him. Now go!"
Emma knew that they were here. She could feel the presence of the two demon lords. And one of those presences, she recognized. The stern Los Liothon, one of the Lords of Hell, was here.
And as it were now, the girl had been staying near the window with a rope made of tied together cloth, waiting to see if anyone would approach. If that had happened, she would have left by now.
But as it would seem, the demon lords were now moving away and soon enough, their presence had disappeared from the human realm. Whatever reason that may have been for, Emma didn't know.
That said, she was very much relieved. Her trembling hands and legs finally returned to normal as she took a deep breath and closed her eyes, while braced against the wall that was right under the open window.
The rope of cloth fell from her hands as the tension seeped away from her body. And when she had gotten a hold of herself, the little girl got up and made her way towards the set of stairs that would lead down the castle.
And at that same time, Skull Jones, a small woman, and that boy that troubled Emma, had come to the stairs as well.
Though Emma didn't say it, she was thankful to have others accompany her as she made her way towards the throne room.