Prepare for trouble

"Now, to further their invasion, the Aggressors must attack through the dungeons." There was a certain dread in Voloha's eyes while saying that.

Well, that's to be expected, I guess. 

It's only natural to be fearful of a species that treats you like mere insects and would stop at nothing to wipe you out.

But then again, that's to be expected of a Great Filter.

⟦⟦The Great Filter?⟧⟧

He doesn't know what it is? Bruh.

[The Great Filter is basically the barrier that stands between prosperity and eternal death. A world with complex, intelligent life will one day, without fail, face a calamity that has the potential to wipe out all life from it with no hope of revival. It's the final threshold which that world must overcome to become a Class 1 world and step on the path to eternal prosperity.]

By the way, the Great Filter is so catastrophic that only 1 in 1,000,000 worlds survive it.