Tearful separation

"Samur, you're a genius!" Neia exclaimed.

"Thanks." I nodded while being spun around like a doll.

Like bruh, is this the first time you've seen a 12-year-old child develop artificial organs or what? Calm the fuck down, mate.

"Where did you even learn this?"

"Well, how about you put me down first? Then we can talk."

"Oh, right." Neia abruptly stopped her merry dance, blushed a bit and set me down back on mother Earth (or whatever this planet is called).

Huh, I don't even know the name of the planet I am on. That's kinda bad, now that I think about it.

Well, whatever.

Let's put the final nail on my lie by answering the clearly overly-excited dragon; she'll do the rest for me.

"I learned them from the books in my estate."

"Argh, that again?!" She groaned. "No way did you study these concepts through mere books!"

"We just had some really good books." I shrugged.