Little old me V2 (a)

Aight, so change of plans. 

Looks like I have no choice but to abandon my plans of getting myself heroically killed and actually use my mind to solve this problem.

And now that I think about it, Neia was right; right now, the ability to attack would have been more useful than curse that gave her the potential to be a God.

I'll have to do something about that as well, but later.

My Dragon, by the way, was slowly making her way towards us after resigning herself to her fate.

She had probably accepted the fact that the only way she could save me was by giving herself up, and was cursing her inability to attack me.

F for her.

Which makes me wonder; why exactly is this Dragon trying to take her with him? And why is he not willing to hurt her?

Let's ask him; kidnappers, when they are about to succeed, usually fall victim to their glee and reveal their plans to their apparently helpless hostages.