A good reason

"You are welcome to kneel before me," I joked.

After all, the last time I joked, it sure turned out well for me.

"I think I really just might do that," Neia continued staring at me with widened eyes.

Well, that sure was unexpected. I guess developing a homemade elixir is a bigger deal than I thought.

I mean, sure the elixir is a legendary potion mostly spoken of in myths which can literally heal any mortal healing wound sustained in a level 3 System and below, but chill, it's just a damn potion.

Anyone can make it at home.

As long as they have the required knowledge and materials, that is, which they usually don't.

"Nah, just kidding. Making the Dragon Princess kneel before me would be a bit boorish of me."

Not to mention that usually, royalty kneels only before a God, and I refuse to lower myself to that position.