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"Whew," I exhaled a breath of relief as I finally returned to my room.

Today sure was a long and exhausting day.

I did a lot of things, but making up a totally unnecessary lie because I was bored I mean because I wanted to teach Neia a valuable lesson about life took the most effort out of me.

Anyway, time to go back to my room and sleep like someone who just had a wrestling match with a 40 ton truck travelling at a speed of 100 km/h.

"You're back," however, to my utter dismay, I was greeted by a voice the moment I opened the door to my room.

"What are you doing here?"

I don't remember ordering a pair of Dragon and Vampire.

"What? You asked for us, remember?" Arteria chided.

"Did I, now?"

Ah, right.

Before meeting Voloha, I had asked them to come to my room because I wanted to start right away on those Elixirs.

But you know what? Fuck you, past me.

I'm simply not interested in that right now.