What is this, a recap?

"Haahh…" Arteria sighed for the nth time as she sipped her morning coffee. "Don't know shit, and I never will, eh?" She softly muttered.

Annoyingly enough, these words had been resounding inside her head since last night.

Talking of last night, it had been pretty wild for her.

After a seemingly normal party to celebrate Samur creating a new World Record, she was forced to follow him to his room because she did not want to face Noelle's wrath.

It was not like she was weaker than Noelle. In fact, when it came to an actual head-on battle, Arteria would win. 

But unlike barbarian societies, relationships in the New Dawn Guild were not always about pure strength.

She simply could not bear to see disappointment, perhaps even hatred, in Noelle's eyes.

She could not lose this family.

Anyway, the moment she saw the heart Samur was talking about, her world suddenly flipped upside down.