Mr. Cat, the dodgy messenger

"And maybe, we're wrong again, and Samur did all that to make Arteria clean his room," Vafferan giggled.

Surprisingly, Vafferan had reached the truth.

Perhaps was able to reach this correct conclusion because she was an amazing out of the box thinker.

Only such a person could look past the surface details and arrive at the true answer.

Samur had indeed acted that charade to make Arteria clean his room because he was too lazy to do it himself.

"I'd be glad if that was it," Arteria smiled.

"Well, I doubt that's really the case," unfortunately, Vafferan brushed her own statement aside.

Perhaps she was not an out of the box thinker and that was just a fluke.

"To be honest, I wouldn't put it past him," Neia shrugged.

Could this woman reach the truth?

"But then again, I don't think even he would go that far just to make you clean the room."

Never mind.

All three of them were slaves to their limited imaginations.