Let's start the bipolar nightmare

"Prepare yourself to be blown away. Metaphorically, of course."

Would be a yikes if his main customer base died a tragic death by being blown away.

As the audience grit their teeth and gripped their armrests, waiting for his next move, the man… took off his cape.

He dropped the long cape to the ground, revealing behind it a man wearing a yellow shirt and jet-black jeans.

"…" Noelle sharply inhaled as her eyes widened.

She couldn't miss that stark yellow shirt or that pair of jeans. They were a bit larger than how she remembered then, and so was the man who was wearing them.

But she, of all people, knew what that man was capable of. Altering his body and the size of his clothes wouldn't be too much of a hassle to him.

Needless to say, the man on the stage was actually a boy.

And the boy was the new R&D Head of the New Dawn Guild; Samur.

Samur, as if he had noticed Noelle's reaction, squinted his eyes in pleasure.