Alpha Zero Zero

"Hmm? A cat?" Victor stopped the moment he opened the door of the party hall.

There was a black cat right at his feet, staring at him in what seemed to be apprehension and curiosity.

This cat should not be here, though.

This party hosted several important guests so the security was incredibly tight, so the cat couldn't have just come here by chance. He didn't remember anyone bringing a cat with them either.

It was impossible for the cat to be here, unless…

"What is it doing here… whatever," he brushed the thought aside; he didn't have the time to be thinking about such mundane matters.

Even though the cat looked quite similar to the familiar of that infamous witch, it wasn't important. Not right now, at the very least.

He had an urgent situation at his hand.

The method to create an Artificial Elixir had been discovered.

Normally, he would have doubted such a thing even happening; that's just how absurd it was.