
「Ahem,」 before Tristan could take me away, a voice echoed out from the ring.


Thank God! Someone is finally here to save me!

I wanted it to be Azell, but beggars can't be choosers, right?

Now, since Samur knows that I'm in danger, all he has to do is to keep these guys occupied until the reinforcements arrive to rescue me.

It shouldn't be that hard, and I don't think that even this maniac would try pulling a joke in this situation.

"Someone you know?" Tristan asked.

「Good afternoon, Mr. Kidnapper. I'm the R&D Head of the New Dawn Guild. Pleased to make your acquaintance.」

What? Why is he greeting…

Ah, this must be his strategy to buy time. Now that I think about it, he did something similar with that man.

"Oh, looks like I'm talking to a big shot, hmm?" Tristan grinned.

Good, Samur has garnered his attention.