Mission booklet

"Ha! Would you look at him-" Before Guard A could finish his words, his head burst apart.

Like, it literally just burst apart, as if someone has pricked a balloon full of water with a needle. Except that in this case, instead of water, blood and flesh is what fell down.

"W-what the hell!?" Guard B screamed.

Actually, that's what I want to ask, Guard B.

I mean what the actual fuck?

"What the fuck, Neia?"

Jesus fucking Christ. Her character development as a psychopath was supposed to be a mere joke.

She wasn't supposed to take it literally and actually go down the path to becoming a serial killer.


"Why did you shoot him in the head?"

I was slightly worried about her being afraid of killing actual living people, but she just went and killed someone without even being asked to.


「You asked me… to give a warning shot.」

Boy oh boy.

"A warning shot doesn't go the face, Neia."