1965 men

"After all, unlike you, we all need to put in our hours if we don't want to sleep on an empty stomach."

Lecia has been leeching off our generosity so she probably wouldn't understand, but here in the real world, one has to work hard if they want to put food in their stomach.

Of course, that's assuming that back at the organisation, Lecia wasn't starved for offences like refusing to heal a customer.

I'm… pretty sure she wasn't.

"Yet here you are, enjoying cranberry juice baths instead of… putting in your hours? I don't even know what that's supposed to mean," Lecia rolled her eyes.

Alright, that was a low blow.

I wonder how she'll react if she learns that it wasn't Cranberry juice that I bathed in, but the blood of my enemies.

That sounded way too edgier than I wanted it to.