Samur Cringe Eckart

Jennifer paused for some moments, perhaps to go over my revelation, then concluded, "So what you are saying is… this world manipulated the events of my life in order to turn me into a weapon it could use to protect itself."


"In a way, yes."

Hmm, now that I think about it, didn't something similar happen to Antonio?

Oh no wait, it was Vafferan, the so-called Ultimate Weapon. Antonio was just an ordinary guy. Silly me.

Anyway, Vafferan and Jennifer are almost in the same situation; they were both selfishly turned into weapons by the World.

The only difference is the kind of world that tried to control their lives.

Well, that's assuming that Jennifer is, in fact, the Sword forged (metaphorically) to cut down this World's enemies.

"In other words, my life would have been really different if the 'World' didn't choose me as its Sword?"