Taking Care of You

"This might hurt a little, Miss Wang. I'll do my best to be gentle." Mo Xian rifled through the first-aid supplies that the innkeeper brought for them and pulled out a square of clean cloth and a vial of realgar wine, a common antiseptic. He had Wang Jingyuan rest her arm on the table. Her short sleeve was rolled up all the way to reveal the shoulder wound. It was a cut about ten centimeters long that stretched across Wang Jingyuan's left bicep.

Wang Jingyuan watched as Mo Xian poured out a little bit of the antiseptic onto the clean cloth square. Then he carefully dabbed at the wound and wiped away the blood that was beginning to dry. Wang Jingyuan sucked in her breath sharply as the antiseptic touched her wound.

"Does it hurt a lot?" Mo Xian stopped what he was doing and looked at Wang Jingyuan worriedly.

"No, it just stings a little bit," Wang Jingyuan replied.

"Hold on for just a while longer, Miss Wang. I'm almost done." Mo Xian cleaned the wound quickly. Then he uncapped a small jar of Jin Chuang Yao and carefully poured a layer of the pale yellow powder across the cut. Finally, he took the roll of bandages and wrapped up Wang Jingyuan's shoulder with care.

"Thank you, Childe Mo." Wang Jingyuan admired the nicely-tied bandage. It looked a lot prettier than the ones she tied for Luo Qingye.

"I should be thanking you, Miss Wang. Once again, you came to my rescue. You got hurt because of me." Mo Xian's expression turned sad. He really did feel bad for forcibly dragging Wang Jingyuan into this mess, even if she didn't know just how murky the waters were. "I owe you my life, Miss Wang."

"No, no, Childe Mo, please don't say that." Wang Jingyuan hated it when Mo Xian began to speak like that to her. She was an awkward person and never knew the proper response. "We're friends, aren't we? Friends help each other when they're in danger. Besides, it's only a small cut; no big deal."

"No big deal? Miss Wang, you almost died because of me." Mo Xian looked at her intently. "I am so sorry for bringing you into this. None of this would have happened if you weren't with me."

Wang Jingyuan was about to respond, but she felt her nose tickle. She sneezed three times consecutively. "Excuse me, Childe Mo."

"Oh, goodness, you're still soaking wet." Mo Xian realized with a start. He had been so focused on her wound that he overlooked the fact that both of them had been in the rain. "You better change out of your wet clothes before you catch a cold."

"Okay." Wang Jingyuan looked at the clothes the innkeeper had brought for them. They were made of rough linen and of an ugly tan color, but it was better than staying in her sopping wet clothes.

Mo Xian stood up. "I'll go down to the kitchen and make you some ginger tea. It will warm you right up."

He walked out and closed the bamboo doors firmly behind him. It was a bit difficult to change when her right hand was a little disabled and her left shoulder was all wrapped up, but Wang Jingyuan managed. She carried the coat rack close to the fire bowl—which was literally a large metal bowl filled with coal and lit on fire—and hung up her wet clothes. Hopefully, they would dry by morning.

Wang Jingyuan returned to her seat and warmed her cold feet by the small fire. She didn't tell Mo Xian about her wrist because she didn't want him to feel guiltier or be more worried. Besides, she didn't think anything was broken; it was probably just a sprain, and it would heal in a week or two.

There was two soft knocks on the door. "Miss Wang, may I come in?" Mo Xian's voice sounded from outside.

"Yes, please do, Childe Mo." Upon hearing her reply, Mo Xian pushed the door open. He held a tray in his hands, and on the tray was two bowls of steaming ginger tea and two spoons. He set the tray down on the table and gave one of the bowls to Wang Jingyuan.

"I added brown sugar in yours, so it's not as spicy," Mo Xian said. "Drink it while it's hot, Miss Wang."

Wang Jingyuan was very touched. She was about to reach for a spoon when she remembered that Mo Xian hadn't changed yet. "Childe Mo, why don't you change out of your wet clothes first? You will catch a cold as well."

Mo Xian looked at the linen clothing on the bed. He really did not want to wear the scratchy cloth that only the common people wore. All of his clothes were silk. But the wet clothing was cold and uncomfortable and stuck to his skin. "Alright. I'll be quick."

Wang Jingyuan stepped outside. A few minutes later, Mo Xian opened the door and let her back in.

"Hurry, Miss Wang, drink the ginger tea while it's still hot." He ushered her to the table and sat across from her. The table had a crack on its surface from the intense battle earlier, but it was still usable. With her left hand, Wang Jingyuan took a spoon and began to drink the ginger tea slowly. Mo Xian drank his as well.

Wang Jingyuan felt the hot liquid travel all the way into her stomach and begin to warm her from within. The hint of sweetness made the spiciness of the ginger much more bearable. Mo Xian watched her scoop a spoonful of the ginger tea, blow on it, and then drink it and noticed something.

"Miss Wang, why are you using your left hand? Aren't you right-handed?"

"Hm?" Wang Jingyuan did not expect him to pick up on this tiny detail. "Um…I…" She couldn't think of an excuse in time.

"What's wrong with your right hand? Is it hurt?" Mo Xian reached for her right hand.

"Ow!" Wang Jingyuan couldn't hold back a yelp of pain as he picked up her hand. Mo Xian almost dropped her hand back onto the table.

"Miss Wang, your hand is injured too! Why didn't you tell me?" Mo Xian was noticeably upset as he gently held Wang Jingyuan's hand and inspected it. Her wrist seemed swollen. "Is it your wrist?"

Wang Jingyuan nodded sheepishly. "Yeah. I didn't want to bother you more; you already helped me bandage my shoulder, and—"

"Miss Wang, I told you—I would not let you get hurt if you were with me. And I have failed to make that promise come true. You got hurt because of me; the least I could do was to help you treat your wounds." Mo Xian's expression was serious. Wang Jingyuan suddenly felt guilty.

"Alright, don't move. Your wrist is a little swollen. I'll help you treat it as much as possible, and we'll go see a doctor first thing in the morning." Mo Xian got up to rifle through the first aid supplies again. He brought back a vial of liquid good for keeping the swelling the down and the roll of bandages.

As Wang Jingyuan watched, Mo Xian took her hand and wrist in his left palm. Then he poured a few drops of the liquid on her wrist and began to gently massage it into her skin. Her wrist began to feel unnaturally warm, but the throbbing pain was decreasing. Mo Xian's touch was gentle, and Wang Jingyuan felt her cheeks heat up slightly. Suddenly, she wanted him to keep holding her hand so softly forever.