
It wasn't just Wang Jingyuan whose anger was flaring up; none of the pupils could stand there and passively listen to all the insults that were being shouted from outside the sect walls. In fact, they were seething.

"This is outrageous. Little Senior Sister, we need to do something about this!"

"They have really gone too far!"

"We have to do something! We should teach them a lesson!"

"That's it. I'm going to see Senior Brother right now. I'm done being the bigger person," Wang Jingyuan decided. "They want to make trouble? I'll show them trouble."

With her in the lead, everyone went in search of Liu Xiaochen. They found him calmly reading over some reports in the back room of the Main Hall. As the pupils waited by the open doors, Wang Jingyuan strode right in. "Senior Brother! I would like to ask for permission to go out and teach those martial artists a lesson! They are being so rude!"

Liu Xiaochen glanced up. "They have always been rude."