Autopsy 101

A pale, lifeless face greeted them. It was Official Ma, and he was dead through and through. Liu Xiaochen squatted down and began to investigate.

Wang Jingyuan hovered near her senior brother, still a bit unused to seeing dead bodies. It was one thing to see a body, but it was another thing to see the body of someone you actually knew. Besides, having around fifteen other bodies in the room definitely did not help lessen the creepy feeling in the room. The dead outnumbered the living here, and she was very glad that her senior brother was with her.

Liu Xiaochen checked Official Ma's neck. An angry red mark stretched across, presumably caused by the noose. He then turned Official Ma's head to one side to look at the side of the neck. The pallor of Official Ma's face was a little freaky to Wang Jingyuan, and she was glad that his face was now turned the other way.

"You find anything, Senior Brother?" she asked.