What Will He/She Think?

"Jing-Jing, you're back!" Du Jiahui waved. "How was horseback riding? I want to hear all about it!"

Wang Jingyuan walked into the room and collapsed on a chair. She tiredly brushed some dust off her skirt. "I made a fool of myself again," she moaned. "Yan Qiufeng is going to think I'm stupid."

"No, he is not. Tell me, what happened?"

Wang Jingyuan told her best friend all about her lesson. "Yan Qiufeng is never going to teach me again," she said at the end. "I'm probably the most incompetent person he ever met."

"That is not true. It wasn't your fault because it was literally your first lesson," Du Jiahui reassured her. "Plus, nothing bad happened, right? Crisis was averted. I'm sure little General Yan won't think too much about it."

Wang Jingyuan sat in her chair glumly. Then she straightened. "Oh my gosh, I didn't tell you about the accidental hand-holding!"