Xiao Yujin Finds Out

Sun Da came to find Xiao Yujin in his manor one night. "Your Highness, the Fifth Prince has arrested almost everyone involved in embezzling the disaster relief funds!"

"What?!" Xiao Yujin stood up from his desk. "How long ago did this happen? How come I was not aware of it at all?!"

"I was not aware of it either until today. I sent someone to one of my subordinates in a different city, just to caution him about the investigation and to tell him to destroy all evidence if he had any. My messenger returned today to tell me that he had been arrested for two weeks already, and all his assets seized! So I immediately sent someone to the Ministry of Justice to find out some more information, and that is how I found out about all the arrests!"

"Damn that Xiao Moxian! He kept everything so quiet. I was wondering why I have not heard from him recently." Xiao Yujin slowly sat back down. His hands curled into fists on the armrests. "Who else is left?"