Rain, Rain, Go Away

Autumn in the Capital was rainy season. There were times when the rain did not stop for several days straight and pitter-pattered throughout the night. Other times, the clouds hovered menacingly as people hurried through the puddle-filled streets, hoping to finish their errands before the clouds recovered and the rain began again.

It was quite boring being stuck in the He Manor. He Tianhong was regularly out attending court sessions, but Wang Jingyuan and Du Jiahui had nothing to do at home besides chat and eat. Sometimes Du Jiahui would work on her embroidery or read together with Wang Jingyuan, but for someone like Wang Jingyuan who was used to being out and about, it quickly became stifling. She couldn't even practice her sword skills because there wasn't a room large enough for her to comfortably move around in without knocking things over.