Family is her Burden

City of Faroh, State of Shanghira

Two Hours before the Deletion

  Lady Regina was busy making a scrapbook for her granddaughter Victoria as she received lots of photos with her and her friends. From the time that Victoria was born, Lady Regina held her and had a photo with her. Every month, he would have someone take a photo of her when she was a baby, and every year, she would have someone take a photo of her and place it in a thick scrapbook. 

  She knew that what she did was wrong. Taking her away from her real mother. But her real mother would be known as a mistress. She has to decide and save them both. She doesn't want Victoria to grow up without any luxury things and good food and to be known as the child of the mistress. She promised to give her best things and she did, but she failed on most things.